Translation of the song Il tesoro artist Giovanni Pascoli
Il tesoro
The Treasure
Quanto a tesori un’altra se ne narra.
About treasures there is another one that it’s told.
C'era una volta un vecchio contadino
Once upon a time an old peasant
che aveva un suo campetto e la sua marra
who had his own little field, his hoe
e tre figlioli. Giunto al lumicino,
and three sons, having reached his little light
volle i suoi tre figlioli accanto al letto.
wanted his three sons beside the bed.
« Ragazzi - disse - vado al mio destino
“Boys”, he said, “I’m going to my destiny
ma vi lascio un tesoro: è nel campetto ».
but I leave you a treasure: it’s there, in the little field”.
E non potè dir altro, o non volle.
And he couldn’t say more or he didn’t want to.
A mente i figli tennero il suo detto.
The sons kept his words in their memory.
Quando fu morto, quelli il piano, il colle
When he was dead, they, the flat part, the hilly part,
vangano, vangano, vangano; invano
are digging, digging, digging; to no avail
voltano al sole e tritano le zolle:
they turn to the sun and crush the clods:
nulla! Ma, pel raccolto, quando il grano
nothing! But, at the harvest, when the wheat
vinse i granai, lo videro il tesoro
overtook the granaries, they saw the treasure
che aveva detto il vecchio: era in lor mano,
that the old man talked about: it was in their hands,
era la vanga dalla punta d'oro.
it was the spade with the golden tip.