Translation of the song A la profunditat del bosc artist Charm


A la profunditat del bosc

English translation

In the Depths of the Forest

Amagat dins del bosc, espantat pel dolor, viu en soledat

Hidden inside the forest, frightend by the pain and in solitude

un cor que fa temps vaig abandonar, que mai no he oblidat.

Lives a heart I've abandoned a long time ago, that I've never forgotten

Tant de temps contemplant com la gent va marxant cap a l'obscuritat...

Contemplating so long how people march towards the darkness...

Mentides d'un passat, que avui s'han tornat crua realitat.

Lies of a past that today turned into a harsh reality

Malgrat la foscor del meu dolor, encara queda claror sense tu...

Despite the darkness of my pain, there's still light without you...

És la meva vida: no ploraré mai.

That's my life: I won't ever cry

Aquesta realitat implica falsedat.

This reality implies falseness

No vull aferrar-me i viure del passat.

I don't want to hold on and dwell on the past

Ets la meva llum, tu em guiaràs.

You are my light, you will guide me

Contemplant com el temps va passant, va marxant, i encara sóc aquí...

Contemplating how time passes, goes by, and I'm still here...

No sé si el color d'aquest cel tan blau durarà per sempre més.

I don't know if the colour of this sky that's so blue will last forever more

Renegar, refusar, aconseguir oblidar tot aquest passat...

Renounce, refuse, succeed to forget all this past...

Aconseguirem gaudir del futur si lluitem pel nostre amor.

We will enjoy the future if we fight for our love

I, així, d'un somni despertarem, el temps recuperarem, volarem.

And so, we'll wake up from a dream, we'll make up the time, we'll fly

És la meva vida. Si em dónes la mà,

That's my life. If you give me your hand

em fas oblidar la freda obscuritat.

You'd make me forget the cold darkness

Si et quedes amb mi, començaré a sentir

If you stay with me, I'll start to feel

que ets la meva llum. Tu em guiaràs.

Like you are my light. You will guide me

És la meva vida, no ploraré mai.

That's my life: I won't ever cry

Aquesta realitat implica falsedat.

This reality implies falseness

No vull aferrar-me i viure del passat.

I don't want to hold on and dwell on the past

Ets la meva llum, tu em guiaràs.

You are my light, you will guide me

No podré plorar per sempre, amor.

I won't be able to cry forever, my love

Una eternitat i només tu...

One eternity and only you...

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