Translation of the song Nechej ho spát artist Karel Kryl


Nechej ho spát

English translation

Let him sleep

Usnul tu na zemi pokryté sazemi,

He fell asleep on that ground covered in soot,

Hlavu má opřenu obočím o stěnu,

his head is lying on the wall with eyebrows,

Nechce se mstít, nechce se mstít,

he doesn't want revenge, he doesn't want revenge,

Bezvládnou pravici složenou v břidlici,

paralyzed right hand packed in the slate,

Sní, že jí přinese korunu Ramsese,

he dreams that he'll bring her the Ramses' crown,

Když bude chtít, když bude chtít.

if she'd like to, if she'd like to.

Nechej ho spát, ať neví o ničem,

Let him sleep, so he doesn't know anything,

Nechej ho spát, na prsou s čedičem,

let him sleep, with a basalt on the breast,

Dlouho byl nezvěstný neznámý pocestný,

for long time an unknown wayfarer was missing,

Nechej ho spát, nechej ho spát.

let him sleep, let him sleep.

V rozkvetlém konopí lehce ji uchopí,

In the blooming hemp he'll grasp her gently,

Na počest shledání stařenám zabrání

to honor the reunion he'll prevent grannies from

Držeti půst, držeti půst,

doing the fasting, doing the fasting,

V levici pod hlavou obálku špinavou,

to the left under the head a dirty envelope,

Na konci dopisu namísto podpisu

in the end of letter instead of signature

Otisky úst, otisky úst.

an imprint of lips, the imprint of lips.

Nechej ho spát, ať neví o ničem,

Let him sleep, so he doesn't know anything,

Nechej ho spát, na prsou s čedičem,

let him sleep, with a basalt on the breast,

Dlouho byl nezvěstný neznámý pocestný,

for long time an unknown wayfarer was missing,

Nechej ho spát, nechej ho spát.

let him sleep, let him sleep.

Na konci ulice spálené vesnice

At the end of the street a burned down village,

Z cihel a ze zdiva tiše se ozývá

from the bricks and from the brickwork quietly is heard

Pískot myší, pískot myší,

a squeaking of mice, the squeaking of mice,

Usnul tu na zemi pokryté sazemi,

he fell asleep on that ground covered in soot,

S otvorem ve spánku volání skřivánků

with a hole in temple the skylark calling

Neuslyší, neuslyší.

he won't hear, he won't hear.

Nechej ho spát, ať neví o ničem,

Let him sleep, so he doesn't know anything,

Nechej ho spát, na prsou s čedičem,

let him sleep, with a basalt on the breast,

Dlouho byl nezvěstný neznámý pocestný,

for long time an unknown wayfarer was missing,

Nechej ho spát, nechej ho spát.

let him sleep, let him sleep.

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