Translation of the song Ben artist Tessa
B står for boss bitch, E for den eneste
”B” stands for boss bitch, ”E” for the only one
N for nummer ét, som jeg har været på det seneste
”N” stands for number one, As I have been lately
Siger til ham: Ned på knæ
I say to him: ”Down on your knees”
Hiver kjolen op, trækker trussen til side, han siger: Okay
I pull the dress op, I tug the panties aside, he says ”Okay”
Se mama, jeg har endelig fået en hobby
See Mama, I finally got myself a hobby
At gi' de low-life hoes noget at gå op i (Hey)
To give those low-life hoes something to think about (Hey)
Prøv at google hvem der gi'r en fuck
Try to google who gives a fuck
Du ka' vær' sikker på, at mit navn aldrig kommer op (Haha)
You can be sure that my name will show up (Haha)
Hvis de myrder mig, så smil, når du ser mig i min kiste
If they kill me, smile when you see my coffin
Vær' sikker på, at jeg var fucking flabet til det sidste (Ses)
Be certain, I was fucking rude until the last moment (See ya)
Jeg ved, hva' jeg bringer til bordet
I know what I have to offer at the table
Så jeg' ikk' bang' for at spis' alen', tag mig på ordet
So I'm not afraid to eat alone, take my word for it
Fordi jeg' ben
Cause I'm bone
Pigerne på gulvet, ja, de ved, at jeg' ben
The girls on the floor, yeah, they know that I'm bone
Drengene ved bordet, ja, de ved, at jeg' ben
The boys at the table, yeah, they know that I'm bone
Min lærer kaldt' mig dum
My teacher used to call me stupid
Men nu ved hun, jeg' ben
Now she knows that I am bone
Gør min' ting, så alle ved, jeg' benhård
I do what I have to, so everyone knows I'm hard as bone
Pigerne på gulvet, ja, de ved, at jeg' ben
The girls on the floor, yeah, they know that I'm bone
Drengene ved bordet, ja, de ved, at jeg' ben
The boys at the table, yeah, they know that I'm bone
Før var jeg problembarn, nu' jeg bar' ben
I used to be a problem child, now I'm just bone
Gør min' ting, så alle ved, jeg' benhård
I do what I have to, so everyone knows I'm hard as bone
B står for boss bitch, E står for episk
”B” stand for boss bitch, ”E” stands for epic
N for normalt, når jeg overta'r strategisk
”N” for normal, when I take over strategically
Pæn pige indtil de trykker på bitch-knappen
Nice girl until they push the bitch-button
Jeg slapper dem, ta'r Louis task' og Gucci kicks fra dem
I slap them, take Louis bag and Gucci kicks
Brandvarm, kampklar 24/7
Burning hot, combative 24/7
Ta'r min' hæl' af, viser dem stiletter ka' flyv'
I take of my heel, show the stilettos can fly
Du vil ha' mig ned' med nakken - bare prøv
They want me down and out – just you try it
Taler bag min ryg, mens du er deromme, ka' du kys' min røv
Talk behind my bag, while you're there you can kiss my ass
Jeg ka' godt forstå, hvorfor du' fjendtlig
I appreciate why're you're being hostile
Jeg vil' ogs' være bitter, hvis jeg var så almindelig
I would be bitter too, if I was that straight
Regel nummer ét: fuck hva' de tænker
Rule number one: fuck what they think
Kun en fræk fyr med stor pik får lov at læg' mig i lænker
Only a hot guy with a big dick gets to put me in shackles
Smutter, når han sover - tidligt om morgen
I leave, when he's a sleep – early in the morning
Lægger en tyver på kommoden og går ned og ta'r en vogn (Skrr)
Leave a twenty on the dresser and walk down and take a cab (Skrr)
Når han vågner op, så forstår han
When he wakes up he'll understand
Jeg' ikk' nogen engel, min' vinger sidder foran
I'm not an angel, my wings are placed up front
For jeg' ben
Cause I'm bone
Pigerne på gulvet, ja, de ved, at jeg' ben
The girls on the floor, yeah, they know that I'm bone
Drengene ved bordet, ja, de ved, at jeg' ben
The boys at the table, yeah, they know that I'm bone
Min lærer kaldt' mig dum
My teacher used to call me stupid
Men nu ved hun, jeg' ben
Now she knows that I am bone
Gør min' ting, så alle ved, jeg' benhård
I do what I have to, so everyone knows I'm hard as bone
Pigerne på gulvet, ja, de ved, at jeg' ben
The girls on the floor, yeah, they know that I'm bone
Drengene ved bordet, ja, de ved, at jeg' ben
The boys at the table, yeah, they know that I'm bone
Før var jeg problembarn, nu' jeg bar' ben
I used to be a problem child, now I'm just bone
Gør min' ting, så alle ved, jeg' benhård
I do what I have to, so everyone knows I'm hard as bone
Boss bitch, baby, nu er barren sat højt
Boss bitch, baby, now the bar is high
Hva' så nu? Tror du, du' varm, bad boy?
So what now? Do you think you're warm, bad boy?
Om jeg' klædt i Fendi eller bare nattøj
Weather I'm dressed in Fendi or just pyjamas
Så' jeg mer' ben, mer' ben, okay
I'm more bone, more bone, okay
Boss bitch, baby, nu er barren sat højt
Boss bitch, baby, now the bar is high
Hva' så nu? Tror du, du' varm, bad boy?
So what now? Do you think you're warm, bad boy?
Om jeg' klædt i Fendi eller bare nattøj
Weather I'm dressed in Fendi or just pyjamas
Så' jeg mer' ben, mer' ben, okay
I'm more bone, more bone, okay
Jeg' ben
Cause I'm bone
Pigerne på gulvet, ja, de ved, at jeg' ben
The girls on the floor, yeah, they know that I'm bone
Drengene ved bordet, ja, de ved, at jeg' ben
The boys at the table, yeah, they know that I'm bone
Min lærer kaldt' mig dum
My teacher used to call me stupid
Men nu ved hun, jeg' ben
Now she knows that I am bone
Gør min' ting, så alle ved, jeg' benhård
I do what I have to, so everyone knows I'm hard as bone
Pigerne på gulvet, ja, de ved, at jeg' ben
The girls on the floor, yeah, they know that I'm bone
Drengene ved bordet, ja, de ved, at jeg' ben
The boys at the table, yeah, they know that I'm bone
Før var jeg problembarn, nu' jeg bar' ben
I used to be a problem child, now I'm just bone
Gør min' ting, så alle ved, jeg' benhård
I do what I have to, so everyone knows I'm hard as bone