Derviş bağrı taş gerek
Being a saint requires getting stoned
Gözü dolu yaş gerek
Requires eyes full of tears
Koyundan yavaş gerek
Requires being slower than sheep
Sen derviş olamazsın
You can't be a saint
Sen Hakkı bulamazsın
You can't find the truth
Ya Mevlam Hu Mevlam
Oh My dear Lord
Aşkın bize ver Mevlam
Bless us with your love, dear Lord
Dövene elsiz gerek
Requires hands that do not hurt others
Sövene dilsiz Gerek
Requires a tongue that doesn't swear
Derviş gönülsüz gerek
Requires being careful
Sen derviş olamazsın
You can't be a saint
Sen Hakkı bulamazsın
You can't find the truth
Ya Mevlam Hu Mevlam
Oh My dear Lord
Aşkın bize ver Mevlam
Bless us with your love, dear Lord
Doğruya varmayınca
Without getting at the right place
Mürşide ermeyince
Without ending up with a teacher
Hak nasip etmeyince
Without getting to the truth
Sen derviş olamazsın
You can't be a saint
Sen Hakkı bulamazsın
You can't find the truth
Ya Mevlam Hu Mevlam
Oh My dear Lord
Aşkın bize ver Mevlam
Bless us with your love, dear Lord
Derviş Yunus gel şimdi
Oh Saint Yunus come now
Ummanlara dal şimdi
Make us swim deep into the sea
Ummana dalmayınca
Without swimming deep into the sea
Sen derviş olamazsın
You can't be a saint
Sen Hakkı bulamazsın
You can't find the truth
Ya Mevlam Hu Mevlam
Oh My dear Lord
Aşkın bize ver Mevlam
Bless us with your love, dear Lord