Translation of the song خطار artist Ilham Al-Madfai



English translation

Khuttar/the unexpected guest

خطار عدنه الفرح .. اعلق صواني اشموع

joy might visit us unexpectedly... hang the lit candles

خافن يمر بالعكد .. رش العكد بدموع

it might pass through this way... spray the way with tears

يا قليبي وين الحزن .. حدر الحدر مرفوع

oh, my heart, where is sorrow...i hid it away from the joy's path (the heart answers)

دومك تون ونتك .. تبكي بدمع مفجوع

you always wail with tears of a distressed (the heart talking)

طيفك امل كذاب .. فوق السما مرفوع

your shadow is a mere lying hope... above the heavens lifted (the prisoner)

بالك تصيح بحزن .. صوت الحزن مسموع

be careful to not cry with sorrow... the sound of sorrow is heard (his heart speaking)

خطار عدنه الفرح .. اعلق صواني شموع

joy might visit us unexpectedly... hang the lit candles

شكبان ليلك غضب .. بالك تفز بالليل

even your prison-guard at night got angry... be careful not to wake up at night

دافن بصيص الأمل .. مسهًر نجوم سهيل

burying the glimpse of not let the star Canopus sleep

والريل فات وجزا .. مالك شغل بالريل

(the heart tells him to welcome joy in silence and with the star light)

حطلنا موقد جمر .. زوُد سعير الويل

and the train has passed and is gone...the train is none of your business

ذوًب شموع الوصل .. فرهد حبابي الهيل

(the heart tells him that time has passed him, and the prisoner responded it's not of your concern)

بس لايبوق العمر .. طيف العمر ملسوع

put a bonfire of burning coal...increase the blaze of longing and grief

خطارعدنه الفرح .. اعلق صواني شموع

joy might visit us unexpectedly... hang the lit candles

لملم سنين العمر .. عثرهه ليل الظيم

gather the years of my life... the unjust night has scattered it all over

فارشها فوق الهضب .. طرزهه لون الغيم

has spread it out on the hills... and given it the shape of clouds

مشتال عمرك ذبل .. ما حًن نثيث الديم

(the years of his life has gone and wasted like they have been evaporated like clouds)

والكيظ اجاك بثقل .. بعدك تظل امجيم

you are sad your life has shriveled up...and the rain had no pity over you

خيال حلمك مرق .. شتكله عيب انهيم

and summer came over you are still in your place and you can't move

يبست انهار الأمل .. وانتظر روحي تموت

the shadow of your dreams passed you by... would you tell it what a shame that it did not stop by

خطار عدنه الفرح .. اعلق صواني شموع

joy might visit us unexpectedly... hang the lit candles

يدموعي طيفك غرق .. امسح دموع الطيف

in my tears, your shadow has drowned...i wipe the tears of the shadow

شمسح جزاني الوقت .. راح الحلم يا حيف

what should i wipe, the time has passed me...Alas, the dream is gone

قمريه وما مش بعد .. وليش احنا موش بصيف

(the prisoner does not know whether he should wipe his tears or the tears of his heart and wonders if he has the time for it)

ظلمه ودواشق حزن .. لا تظن روحي بكيف

we are in a full moon night that has no end...why, aren't we in summer?

غرًب شراع الفرح .. اهلاً اجانا الضيف

i see darkness and sadness... don't think i like this night

حسبالي يسوى العتب .. تاري العتب مرفوع

(the nights of summer are short so the prisoner wonders if darkness and sadness is all he sees then it might not be summer night)

خطار عدنه الفرح .. اعلك صواني شموع

the joy has left us...hi welcome the guest is here

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