Translation of the song سأُعطيك الرضا artist Al Farabi
سأُعطيك الرضا
You Shall Have My Approval
سأُعطيكِ الرّضا، وأموتُ غَمّاً
You shall have my approval as I die in sorrow
وأسكتُ لا أغمّكِ بالعتابِ
I'll remain silent and won't bother you with complaints
عهِدْتُكِ مرّة ً تَنْوينَ وَصْلي
I remember a time when you wished to be with me
وأنْتِ اليَوْمَ تهْوينَ اجْتنابي
And here are you today, eager to avoid me
وغَيّرَكِ الزّمانُ، وكلُّ شيءٍ
Time has changed you, and everything
يصيرُ إلى التّغيرِ والذهاب
is destined to change and run its course
فإنْ كانَ الصّوابُ لدَيْكِ هجْري
If the right thing for you to do was to abandon me
فلقد عماك الهوا عَنِ الصّوابِ
then love has blinded you from the truth