Translation of the song ラジオ体操の歌 artist Ichirō Fujiyama



English translation

Radio gymnastics song

新しい朝が来た 希望の朝だ

A new morning has come, it's a morning of hopes

喜びに胸を開け 大空あおげ

Let's open our chests joyfully looking at the big sky

ラジオの声に 健(すこ)やかな胸を

With the radio voice, let's open our healthy chests

この香る風に 開けよ

In this wind that smells sweet

それ 一 二 三

One, two, three

新しい空の下(もと) 輝く緑

Under the new sky, the grass shines

さわやかに手足伸ばせ 土踏みしめよ

Let's extend arms and feet freshly, standing on the ground

ラジオとともに 健やかな手足

With the radio, let's extend our healthy arms and feet


In this broad ground

それ 一 二 三

One, two, three

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