Translation of the song 影を慕いて artist Ichirō Fujiyama



English translation

Yearning the shadow

まぼろしの 影を慕いて 雨に日に

Yearning the shadow of an illusion in the rain, in the sun

月にやるせぬ わが想い

And in the moon, my helpless love

つつめば燃ゆる 胸の火に

The fire in my chest burns when I wrap it

身は焦がれつつ しのびなく

While my body yearns, I cry in silence

わびしさよ せめて痛みの なぐさめに

The misery at least hurts comfortably

ギターをとりて 爪弾けば

When I strum a guitar

どこまで時雨 ゆく秋ぞ

The autumn goes anywhere with its rain

振音(トレモロ)さびし 身は悲し

The tremolo of loneliness makes me sad

君故に 永き人世(ひとよ)を 霜枯れて

Because of you my long life withers with the frost

永遠に春見ぬ わが運命(さだめ)

My destiny won't see the eternal spring

永ろうべきか 空蝉(うつせみ)の

Should I live a long life?

儚き影よ わが恋よ

My love is a fleeting shadow of the real world

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