Translation of the song 酒は涙か溜息か artist Ichirō Fujiyama
Is sake tears or sighs?
酒は涙か 溜息か
Is sake tears or sighs?
心のうさの 捨てどころ
Is the place to dump the heart's gloom
遠いえにしの かの人に
To that person of far destiny
夜毎の夢の 切なさよ
Comes the pain of the dreams of every night
酒は涙か 溜息か
Is sake tears or sighs?
かなしい恋の 捨てどころ
Is the place to dump the sad love
忘れた筈の かの人に
For in that person of forgotten hopes
のこる心を なんとしょう
the heart remains, what should he do?