Translation of the song 青い山脈 artist Ichirō Fujiyama
Blue mountain range
若くあかるい 歌声に
In a young and happy singing
雪崩は消える 花も咲く
The avalanche fades and flowers bloom too
青い山脈 雪割桜
At the blue mountain range, the snow breaks and there are cherry trees
空のはて 今日もわれらの 夢を呼ぶ
Today too we invoke our dreams to the end of the sky
古い上衣よ さようなら
Goodbye to the old jackets
さみしい夢よ さようなら
Goodbye to the lonely dreams
青い山脈 バラ色雲へ
To the blue mountain range's pink clouds
あこがれの 旅の乙女に 鳥も啼く
Like yearning traveling girls, the birds sing
雨にぬれてる 焼けあとの
The rain soaks the fire-ruined places
名も無い花も ふり仰ぐ
The unknown flowers look for appearing
青い山脈 かがやく嶺の
At the blue mountain range, the peaks shine
なつかしさ 見れば涙が またにじむ
If we see the nostalgia, tears will run again
父も夢見た 母も見た
My parents were dreaming
旅路のはての その涯の
That horizon of the end of the journey
青い山脈 みどりの谷へ
To the blue mountain range's green valleys
旅をゆく 若いわれらに 鐘が鳴る
We travel and in our young selves the bells ring