Harto de buscar por sus virtudes
Tired of looking, based on her virtues,
a la mina que a no estar solo me ayude.
for the girl who will help me to not be lonely.
Harto de que cuando la encontraba
Tired of the moments when I found her
algún defecto siempre la arruinaba
and therenwas a defect spoiling her
Podrido de esta búsqueda infructuosa
Rotten in this in unsuccessful search
las lindas tenían cerebro de babosa.
the cute ones had a brain like snails.
Podrido de cuando yo encontraba
Rotten when I found one
una inteligente no me funcionaba y...
that was smart and she didn't work for me and...
Hasta que conocerte pude
Until I got to meet you
se enamoró de mis defectos
she fell in love with my defects
no me interesan tus virtudes
I don't care about your virtues
se enamoró de mis defectos
she fell in love with my defects
aunque te cause mal efecto
even if you don't like it
se enamoró de mis defectos
she fell in love with my defects
yo me enamoré de tus defectos
I fell in love with your defects
Así es que si te sentís un insecto
So you feel like a bug
y a tu vida ya nada sacude
and nothing shakes your life
así que ya no busques por virtudes
so don't search based on virtues
mejor buscatelas por sus defectos
it's better if you search based on their defects
Fue así que conocerte pude
It was like that until I got to meet you
no me interesan tus virtudes
she fell in love with my defects
aunque te cause mal efecto
I don't care about your virtues
yo me enamoré de tus defectos
she fell in love with my defects
de tu total falta de astucia
with your complete lack of cleverness
de que seas desprolija y sucia
with you being sloppy and messy
de que me hinche tu marido
with your husband pissing me off
de que tengas el culo caído
with you having a droopy ass
de que no distingas un van gogh de un degas
with you not distinguishing a Van Gogh from a Degas
de que seas terrible fornega
with you being a terrible provider
de que pensés que soy un nabo
with you thinking I'm a prick
de que vomités en cualquier lado
with you vomiting anywhere
aunque te cause mal efecto
even if you don't like it
yo me enamoré de tus defectos
I fellin love with your defects