Dijiste que no iba a poder salir adelante
You said I wouldn't be able to go on
que mi propio destino no podría construir
that I couldn't build my own fate
Dijiste que no me levantaría si caía
You said I wouldn't get up if I fall
Y que nada de lo que tengo lo podría conseguir
And that I would get nothing of what I got
Que todo iría mal, me sentiría mal
That all would go wrong, I'd feel bad
Que así está escrito en mi carta astral
That in my astrological chart it's written so
Todo sería así, no dependía de mi
It would be all like this, not up to me
no habría forma de escapar
and without any way of escape.
Fallaste, fallaste, fallaste Nostradamus
You failed, you failed, you failed Nostradamus
Fallaste, fallaste, fallaste otra vez
You failed, you failed, you failed again
Creíste que en tu discurso
You believed that in your speech
iba a caer y me rendiría
I would fall for and give up
Tu ego y tus profecías
Your ego an prophecies
no me pudieron vencer
couldn't beat me
Dijiste que nadie me iba a querer por ser quien soy
You said nobody will love me for being the way I am
Y que no habría días de felicidad
And that I wouldn't have happy days
Dijiste que siempre seria frío mi corazón
You said my heart would be always cold
Y que de nadie me iba nunca a enamorar
And that I wouldn't fall in love with anybody
Pero pude salir, tu historia revertir
But I could get out, and revert your story
Quién lo iba a predecir?
Who could predict it?
Así que ya está, no te quiero acá
So that's it, I don't want you here
Búscate a otro con quien presumir
Find someone else to presume of
Fallaste, fallaste, fallaste Nostradamus
You failed, you failed, you failed Nostradamus
Fallaste, fallaste, fallaste otra vez
You failed, you failed, you failed again
Creíste que en tu discurso
You believed that in your speech
iba a caer y me rendiría
I would fall for and give up
Tu ego y tus profecías
Your ego an prophecies
no me pudieron vencer
couldn't beat me
Fallaste, fallaste, fallaste, fallaste
You failed, you failed, you failed, you failed
Dijiste que tu vaticinio seria mi cruz
You said your prediction would be my cross
y nadaría siempre en la mediocridad
and I would always swim in mediocrity
Dijiste que no brillaría con mi propia luz
You said I wouldn't shine with my own light
y que nada me iba nunca a destacar
and I would never stand out in anything
porque mi porvenir, pudiste convertir
because you could turn my future
en tu macabro souvenir
into your evil souvenir
pero una vez más, no vas a ganar
but once again, you won't win
tu presagio te lo tuviste que tragar
you had to swallow your omen
Solo fueron palabras perdidas
Only lost words
Que sirvieron para desafiar
Who were useful to challenge
El guión que relata mi vida
I would rather not read
Prefiero no leerlo antes de empezar
the script of my life before I begin
Fallaste, fallaste, fallaste Nostradamus
You failed, you failed, you failed Nostradamus
Fallaste, fallaste, fallaste otra vez
You failed, you failed, you failed again
Creíste que en tu discurso
You believed that in your speech
iba a caer y me rendiría
I would fall for and give up
Tu ego y tus profecías
Your ego an prophecies
no me pudieron vencer
couldn't beat me