Translation of the song Romani Anthem - Gelem, Gelem artist National Anthems & Patriotic Songs
Romani Anthem - Gelem, Gelem
Romani Anthem - I went, I went
Gelem, gelem, lungone dromensa
I went, I went on long roads
Maladilem bakhtale Romensa
I met happy Roma
A Romale katar tumen aven,
O Roma where do you come from,
E tsarensa bahtale dromensa?
With tents happy on the road?
A Romale, A Chavale
O Roma, O Romani youths!
Sine man yekh bari familiya,
I once had a great family,
Murdadas la i kali legiya
The Black Legions murdered them
Aven mansa sa lumniake Roma,
Come with me Roma from all the world
Kai putardile e romane droma
For the Roma roads have opened
Ake vriama, usti Rom akana,
Now is the time, rise up Roma now,
Men khutasa misto kai kerasa
We will rise high if we act
A Romale, A Chavale
O Roma, O Romani youths!
Puter Devla le parne vudara
Open, God, White doors
Te shai dikhav kai si me manusha
You can see where are my people.
Pale ka zhav lungone dromendar
Come back to tour the roads
Thai ka phirav bachtale Romensa
And walk with happy Romani
A Rromalen, A chavalen
O Roma, O Romani youths!
Opre Rroma isi bah akana
Up, Gypsy! Now is the time
Ajde mançar sa lumáqe Rroma
Come with me Roma world
O kalo muj ta e kale jakha
Dark face and dark eyes
Kamàva len sar e kale drakha
Much as I like dark grapes
A Rromalen, A chavalen.
O Roma, O Romani youths!