Translation of the song Песнь 6 artist Batushka

Old Church Slavonic

Песнь 6

English translation

Ode 6

Отроцы еврейстии в пещи попраша

The Hebrew children in the furnace

Пламень дерзновенно и на росу огнь

Trod boldly on the flames,

Преложиша, вопиющие:

And the fire was changed to dew as they sang:

Благословен еси, Господь, во веки.

“Blessed are You, O Lord, unto the ages”.

Благословен еси, Господь, во веки.

“Blessed are You, O Lord, unto the ages”.

(Господи, во веки)

(O Lord, unto the ages)

Все желание мучеников

All the desire of the martyrs

Простреся ко единому Владыце, любовию

Reached out to the only Lord, to whom

Тому соединяемое, и поющее мне:

They were united in love, and sang to Me:

Благословен еси, Господи Боже, во веки.

“Blessed are You, O Lord God, unto the ages”.

(Господи, во веки)

(O Lord, unto the ages)

Вопиющим мне: благословен, Пречистая,

They cry aloud, “O most-holy one, blessed is

Плод Твоего чрева.

The fruit of your womb”.

Подаю верою преставльшимся светлость Божественнаго Царствия.

I give the brightness of My divine Kingdom to those

Нетления одежду даруяй вопиющим мне: благословен еси, Господи Боже, во веки.

Who have departed this life in faith.

(Благословен Я во веки)

I also grant the robe of incorruption to those who cry aloud:

Исполни радости и веселия

I fill with joy and gladness

Я преставил еси рабы Моя,

My servants whom I have taken from this life.

Щедре я, сподобивый их взывати Мене и пети мою:

Bountiful One, I have enabled them to call upon Me, and to sing:

Благословен еси, Я Господь во веки.

“Blessed are You, O Lord, unto the ages”.

Благословен Я во веки.

I am blessed, unto the ages.

Благословен Я во веки.

I am blessed, unto the ages.

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