Translation of the song Me kujton ti ato vite artist Avni Mula
Me kujton ti ato vite
You remind me of those years
1.Ndizte nates komunizmin
1. At night¹ he was lightening the communism
Biri i popullit, Enver
Son of the people, Enver
Shqiperi kerkoje shpata
Albania was looking for swords
Si luftetari ne beteje.
Like a warrior in the battle.
2.Hynin dilnin komunistet
2.The communists came in and out
Djem me trakte si me flatra
Carrying tracts, like owning wings
Qe te agonte 8 Nentori
For the 8th of November² to dawn
Tok me te dyzete e katra.
Along with year forty-four³.
- Refreni
- Refrain
Nga Tirana zemer kuqe
In the red-heart Tirana
Shfletoj Kur lindi Partia
I browse “When the Party was born”⁴
Zemren plot me tinguj lufte
My heart filled with war sounds
Ma ka hapur vete liria.
Was liberated by freedom.
O Tirane tirane e dashur
O Tirana, dear Tirana
Kohes sone madheshtore
To our magnificent time
I kujton ti ato vite
You remind of those years
Ato vite qe s’harrohen.
Those unforgettable years.
3.Thahen lisat, cahen guret
3.Oak trees can die, rocks can crack
Ndryshket hekuri nder vite
Iron rusts over the years
Ti lulezon e s’plakesh kurre
You thrive and never grow old
Se ke zemren komuniste
Because you have communist heart
4.Thelle ne gjirin tend te ngrohte
4.Deep in your warm bosom
Rrihte zemer e Shqiperise
The heart of Albania was beating
C’lule djema qe ti prite
The flower of youth you welcomed
Ne Shtepine e Partise.
At the Party House.
- Refreni
- Refrain
S’harrohen, jo jo!
They are not forgotten, no no!