Ia buchetul asta de flori
Take this bouquet of flowers
Ca sa-ti mai treaca din fiori
So that chills pass through you
Ca atunci cand tu te scoli
Then when you get up
Eu voi fi plecat din zori
I will have left at dawn
Ti-am lasat micul dejun
I left you breakfast
Cafeaua cu zahar brun
Coffee with brown sugar
Si o tigara cu tutun
And a cigarette with tobacco
Si desenez in palma ta
And I draw in your palm
In culori de fulgi de nea
In colors of snowflakes
Flori de gheata
Flowers of ice
Si desenez in palma ta
And I draw in your palm
Sa nu-ti fie iarna grea
So that winter isn't hard for you
Sper sa nu-ti aduci aminte
I hope that you do not remember
Sper sa-ti gasesti linistea
I hope that you find peace
Ti-as mai spune mii de cuvinte
I would say thousands of words more to you
Dar numai unul ai asculta
But you would hear only one
Iti spun adio, adio, adio
I tell you goodbye, goodbye. goodbye
Adio, adio iti spun
Goodbye, goodbye I tell you
Adio, adio, adio
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
Ai fi spus-o tu oricum
You would have said it anyway
Adio iti spun
Goodbye, I tell you
Si sa nu-ti para rau de noi
And don't feel bad about us
Ca pentru noi vin altii noi
Because for us, other new people come
N-a fost niciun an in doi
There was not one year together
Doar noi, doar noi
Only us, only us
Am lasat in urma ziduri
I left walls behind
Dar si ferestre catre visuri
But also windows toward dreams
Ne vedem in alte timpuri
We see each other in other times
Mai noi, mai noi
More us, more us
Si desenez in palma ta
And I draw in your palm
In culori de fulgi de nea
In colors of snowflakes
Flori de gheata
Flowers of ice
Si desenez in palma ta
And I draw in your palm
Sa nu-ti fie iarna grea
So that winter isn't hard for you
Sper sa nu-ti aduci aminte
I hope that you do not remember
Sper sa-ti gasesti linistea
I hope that you find peace
Ti-as mai spune mii de cuvinte
I would say thousands of words more to you
Dar numai unul ai asculta
But you would hear only one
Iti spun adio, adio, adio
I tell you goodbye, goodbye. goodbye
Adio, adio iti spun
Goodbye, goodbye I tell you
Adio, adio, adio
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
Ai fi spus-o tu oricum
You would have said it anyway
Adio iti spun
Goodbye, I tell you
Tu sa ma uiti ca un ateu pe Dumnezeu
You see me as an atheist for God
Doar asa iti va fi dor macar atunci cand dai de greu
Only this way will you miss me even when it gets tough
Ca tot ce a fost greu l-am impartit la doi mereu
Everything that was hard we both always shared
Acum, ca iti e bine, ce e al tau e doar al tau
Now, that it is good for you, what is yours is only yours
E shift-delete, sterge, pleaca, lasa-ma gol, spirit
It is shift-delete, erase, leave, leave me empty, spirit
Fiindca n-a fost menit, de fericire ne-am tot ferit
Because it was not intended, we totally dodged happiness
E timpul sa lasam adevarul descoperit
It is time to leave the truth discovered
E timpul ca timpul sa spuna: free now, go with it
It is time that time says: free now, go with it
Sper sa nu-ti aduci aminte
I hope that you do not remember
Sper sa-ti gasesti linistea
I hope that you find peace
Ti-as mai spune mii de cuvinte
I would say thousands of words more to you
Dar numai unul ai asculta
But you would hear only one
Iti spun adio, adio, adio
I tell you goodbye, goodbye. goodbye
Adio, adio iti spun
Goodbye, goodbye I tell you
Adio, adio, adio
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
Ai fi spus-o tu oricum
You would have said it anyway