Translation of the song Meditação artist Tom Jobim
Quem acreditou
Who believed
No amor, no sorriso, na flor
In love, in the smile, in the flower
Entao sonhou, sonhou...
Thus dreamed, dreamed . . .
E perdeu a paz
And lost peace
O amor, o sorriso e a flor
Love, the smile, and the flower
Se transformam depressa demais
They transformed too quickly
Quem, no coraçao
Who, in the heart
Abrigou a tristeza de ver tudo isto se perder
Sheltered the sadness of seeing all of this lose itself
E, na solidao
And, in loneliness
Procurou um caminho e seguiu,
Sought a road and followed it,
Já descrente de um dia feliz
Already faithless in a happy day
Quem chorou, chorou
Who cried, cried
E tanto que seu pranto já secou
And cried to the point that all of their tears dried up
Quem depois voltou
Who returned afterwards
Ao amor, ao sorriso e à flor
To love, to the smile and to the flower
Então tudo encontrou
Thus found everything
E a própria dor
And the selfsame suffering
Revelou o caminho do amor
Revealed the road of love
E a tristeza acabou
And the sadness ended