Acum un an pe vremea asta
A year ago, around this time
Am inceput s-aud vocile
I started to hear the voices
Si de atunci fara-ncetare
And since then, without pause
Imi bantuie toate zilele
They've been haunting all my days
Si fiecare are o poveste
And each one has a story
Si unele ma cearta-n cor
And some scold me in the choir
Din cand in cand tormentul se opreste
Sometimes the torment stops
Si vocile se pun de-acord
And the voices agree
Hei, oh, spre orizont
Hey, oh, toward the horizon
Regretele te tin in loc
Your regrets hold you in place
Viitorul e la orizont
The future is at the horizon
Hei, oh, spre orizont
Hey, oh, toward the horizon
Timpul e necrutator
Time is relentless
Viitorul tau e la orizont
The future is at the horizon
Acum un an pe vremea asta
A year ago, around this time
Am plecat spre orizont
I left, toward the horizon
Fara bagaje, fara teama
Without luggage, without fear
Sa cuceresc ultimul bastion
To conquer the final bastion
Doar eu cu drumul si cu vocile
Just me, with the road and the voices
Si o dorinta ce o port in gand
And a desire which I keep in my mind
Iar cand piciorul aluneca pe frana
And when my foot slides on the brake
Deschid un radio si le-aud cantand
I open a radio and I hear them singing
Hei, oh, spre orizont
Hey, oh, toward the horizon
Regretele te tin in loc
Your regrets hold you in place
Viitorul e la orizont
The future is at the horizon
Hei, oh, spre orizont
Hey, oh, toward the horizon
Timpul e necrutator
Time is relentless
Viitorul tau e la orizont
The future is at the horizon
Calc-o, calc-o,
Step on it, step on it
La prima rascruce iesim din noapte
At the first crossroads, we'll emerge from the night
Calc-o, calc-o,
Step on it, step on it
Mai e inca putin pana departe
There's still a little more before you'll be far
Calc-o, calc-o,
Step on it, step on it
O bestie cu aripi metalizate
A beast with metallic wings
Prin vene-ti curge doar jaratec
Only embers flow through your veins
Spre orizont
Hey, oh, toward the horizon
Regretele te tin in loc
Your regrets hold you in place
Viitorul e la orizont
The future is at the horizon
Hei, oh, spre orizont
Hey, oh, toward the horizon
Timpul e necrutator
Time is relentless
Viitorul tau e la orizont
The future is at the horizon