Translation of the song Väiksed kastid artist Peeter Tooma


Väiksed kastid

English translation

Little boxes

Väiksed kastid linnaserval,

Little boxes at the edge of the city,

väiksed kastid tehtud tiki-taki.

little boxes made ticky tacky.

Väiksed kastid linnaserval,

Little boxes at the edge of the city,

kõigil neil on nägu üks.

they all have the same face.

Siin on pruun ja seal on valge,

Here is a brown one and there is a white one,

mõni hoopis helekollane,

but some are light yellow,

kuid nad kõik on tehtud tiki-taki

but all of them are made ticky tacky

ja neil ongi nägu üks.

and they indeed have the same face.

Isad emad kastikestes,

Fathers, mothers in little boxes,

kõik nad käisid ülikoolides,

all of them went to the university,

kus nad pandi kastidesse,

where they were put into boxes,

et neil oleks nägu üks.

so that they would have the same face.

Üks direktor, teine doktor,

One is a headmaster, another is a doctor1

kolmas tuntud peainsener.

the third one is a known chief technologist

Jah, nad kõik on tehtud tiki-taki

Yes, they are all made ticky tacky

ja neil ongi nägu üks.

and they indeed have the same face.

Kõik nad loevad jutunurka.

They all read in a reading corner.

Välgumihkel ülekullatud.

Their lighters are gilded.

Kodus seitse nailonsärki,

They have seven nylon shirts2

tsellofaani pakitud.

packed in cellophane.

Neil on saunad keset metsi,

They have saunas in forests,

kuldse päikse all nad elavad.

they live under a golden sun.

Rohu eest ja külma vastu,

For lawn and against the cold

resoluutselt võitlevad.

they resolutely fight.

Veel on kõigil mitu lipsu,

They also have many ties,

põuetaskus elukindlustus.

a life insurance in the breast pocket.

Kõik nad kasvatavad lapsi -

They all raise their children -

koolis tarvis kuulekus.

obedience is needed in school.

Lapsed näevad palju vaeva,

The children work hard,

kuni uksed avab ülikool.

until the university opens its doors.

Seal nad kaovad kastidesse,

There they disappear into boxes,

joondu, valvel, parem pool.

fall in, attention, right turn!

Peale kooli omavahel

After graduating3

spetsialistid abielluvad.

specialists marry each other.

Palju õnne, poisipõnne,

Congratulations, and have little boys,

orav rattas kiirustab.

the rat4 in the wheel hurries on.

Väiksed kastid linnaserval,

Little boxes at the edge of the city,

väiksed kastid tehtud tiki-taki.

little boxes made ticky tacky.

Väiksed kastid linnaserval,

Little boxes at the edge of the city,

kõigil neil on nägu üks.

they all have the same face.

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