Translation of the song Mr. Tort artist The Motans
Mr. Tort
Mr. Cake
Eu sunt micul tau desert
I'm your little dessert
Tu esti fructul interzis
You are the forbidden fruit
Nu-mi ajungi in doze mici
You don't come to me in small doses
Dupa bis mai vreau un bis
After the encore, I want another encore
Vreau sa fii a mea de tot
I want you to be totally mine
Oh, Doamne cat am incercat
Oh, God, how hard I've tried
Dar ciresele ca tine
But cherries like you
Nu cad usor din copac
Don't fall easily from the tree
Eu am dragostea pe tava
I have love on the tray
Tu, tacamul potrivit
You, the right full service
Stii ca ale tale buze-s
You know that your lips are
Tot ce am acum in gand
All that are on my mind right now
Pot sa par un pic nebun
I can seem a bit crazy
Pot sa par mai mult ciudat
I can seem much more weird
Zbor ca visele si astept
I fly like dreams and wait
Tu sa faci macar un salt
For you to take at least a leap
Caci viata mea e dulce
Because my life is sweet
Dar n-are niciun haz fara tine
But it isn't at all fun without you
Vreau sa fii cireasa de pe mine
I want you be the cherry on top of me
Ooh, cu zambete si saruturi dulci as vrea
Oh, with smiles and sweet kisses I'd like
Tu sa fii cireasa mea
For you to be my cherry
E atat de simplu, uuu
It's so simple, ooo
Cirese fara tort exista
Cherries without cake exist
Tort fara cirese, nu
Cake without cherries, no
Si tot ce-as vrea
And all that I'd like
Tu sa fii cireasa mea..②
Is for you to be my cherry
Insectele-n stomacul meu
The insects in my stomach
Si clipele de neuitat
And the unforgettable moments
As vrea sa le intind
I would like to stretch them out
Ca pe-o guma de mestecat
Like a chewing gum
Sa le lipesc in par
To stick them in my hair
Si sa-ti lipesc si tie
And to stick them to you too
S-avem aceeasi guma-n cap
And we have the same gum on our heads
Ce tine o vesnicie
Which sticks forever
O, Doamne, cat am incercat
Oh, God, how hard I've tried
Sa o fac sa inteleaga
To make her understand
Ca i-as da lumea intreaga
That I would give her the whole world
I-as fi daruit indata si chitara mea
Without hesitating, I would have given her even my guitar
Si sufletul si piesa preferata
And my soul and my favorite song
Caci viata mea e dulce
Because my life is sweet
Dar n-are niciun haz fara tine
But it isn't at all fun without you
Vreau sa fii cireasa de pe mine
I want you be the cherry on top of me
Ooh, cu zambete si saruturi dulci as vrea
Oh, with smiles and sweet kisses I'd like
Tu sa fii cireasa mea
For you to be my cherry
E atat de simplu, uuu
It's so simple, ooo
Cirese fara tort exista
Cherries without cake exist
Tort fara cirese, nu
Cake without cherries, no
Si tot ce-as vrea
And all that I'd like
Tu sa fii cireasa mea..
Is for you to be my cherry