Translation of the song Por Eso No Hablo artist Axel
Por Eso No Hablo
That's why I don't speak
Yo sé que tú piensas que soy algo tímido
I know you think I'm kinda shy
Y que no coincido con lo que te escribo
And that I don't coincide with what I write to you
Que cuando estás cerca te miro y te miro
That when you're close, I look at you and look at you
No digo palabras, parezco un niño
I don't say words, I look like a child
Te hablo de a gotas, amarte es un rito
I'm talking about drops, loving you is a ritual
Una ceremonia que yo solo practico
A ceremony that I practice alone
Te observo entera, te radiografío
I watch you entirely, I x-ray you
De pies a cabeza paisaje divino
From head to toe, divine scenery
Me acercas tu boca, me arden los labios
You bring your mouth over to me, your lips burn me
Parezco sediento, desesperado
I seem thirsty, desperate
Más mudo que nunca, por señas callado
More silent than ever, silent sign
Te digo te amo, te digo te amo
I tell you I love you, I tell you I love you
Es que yo solo se porque callo y no te hablo
I only know because I'm quiet and don't speak to you
No es difícil de entender
It's not difficult to understand
Si lo vieras de mi lado
If you see it from my side
Vales tanto para mí
You mean so much to me
Que colecciono tus frases y atesoro tus halagos
That I collect your sentences and cherish your flattery
Sería mi peor pecado perder un solo detalle
It'd be my worst sin to lose a single detail
De ti
about you
No poder guardármelo
I can't keep it to myself
Por eso mi amor
That's why my love
No soy tímido, solo contigo me pasa
I'm not shy, it only happens to me with you
Porque si siento no hablo
Because if I feel, I don't speak
Por eso no hablo
That's why I don't speak
Si me preguntaras por cada momento
If you will ask me in every moment
Te haría un detalle
It would make you a detail
Un detalle perfecto
A perfect detail
Riendo tus risas, llorando tu llanto
Laughing your laughter, crying your tears
Y en las despedidas muriendo en tus brazos
And in the goodbyes dying in your arms
Me acercas tu boca, me arden los labios
You bring your mouth over to me, your lips burn me
Parezco sediento, desesperado
I seem thirsty, desperate
Y más mudo que nunca, por señas callado
More silent than ever, silent sign
Te digo te amo, te digo te amo
I tell you I love you, I tell you I love you
Es que yo solo se porque callo y no te hablo
I only know because I'm quiet and don't speak to you
No es difícil de entender
It's not difficult to understand
Si lo vieras de mi lado
If you see it from my side
Vales tanto para mí
You mean so much to me
Que colecciono tus frases y atesoro tus halagos
That I collect your sentences and cherish your flattery
Sería mi peor pecado perder un solo detalle
It'd be my worst sin to lose a single detail
De ti
about you
No poder guardármelo
I can't keep it to myself
Por eso mi amor
That's why my love
No soy tímido, solo contigo me pasa
I'm not shy, it only happens to me with you
Porque si siento no hablo
Because if I feel, I don't speak
Por eso no hablo
That's why I don't speak
Por eso no hablo.
That's why I don't speak