Boleh saya cakap sesuatu yang pelik?
Can I talk about something weird?
Saya suka pelik
I love weird things
Seumur hidup, hanya pintu yang tertutup
For my whole life, it has been like a closed door
Tiba-tiba kubersamamu
But suddenly, I am with you
Ya, saya pun sama. Macam...
Yes, same. It is like...
Seumur hidupku mencari sesuatu
For my whole life, I have been searching for something
Sebabkan pesta ataupun makan coklat itu?
Is it because of that party or to eat that chocolate?
Kulihat, kulihat dunia cerah di wajahmu
I see, I see a bright world on your face
Sesuatu yang terindah dan baharu
It is something that is the most lovely and new too
Cintamu yang indah
It is your lovely love
Cintamu yang indah
It is your lovely love
Cintamu yang indah
It is your lovely love
Kamu, kamu, kamu, kamu
It is you, it is you, it is you, it is you
Cintamu yang indah
It is your lovely love
Memang aneh (Apa?)
It feels weird (What?)
Kita menghabiskan roti bersama
We are devouring the bread together
Itulah yang saya nak cakap
I just wanted to say that
Tak pernah jumpa fikiran sama denganku
I have never met someone who has the same thoughts like me
Sama, samalah
Same, it is same
Mungkin pertemuan ini ada satu penjelasan
Maybe there is an explanation that lies behind of this encounter
Kita berdua telah ditakdirkan
It is like both of us have been destined
Tinggalkan, tinggalkan lukamu yang lama
Leave it, leave your old wound behind
Tak perlu ratapi lagi
There is no need to mourn about it
Cintamu yang indah
It is your lovely love
Cintamu yang indah
It is your lovely love
Hidupku bermakna (Cintamu yang indah)
My life is meaningful (It is your lovely love)
Kamu, denganmu, kamu, denganmu
It is you, with you, it is you, with you
Cintamu yang indah
It is your lovely love
Boleh tanya sesuatu yang pelik? Mahu jadi isteri saya?
May I ask something weird? Would you be my wife?
Bolehkah cakap benda lagi pelik? Ya.
May I say something weirder? Yes