Ana: Odprto je okno, sonce je
Ana: The window's open, there's the sun
Ma res se to pri nas še sploh počne
Does this really still happen over here
Kje našli so tri tisoč krožnikov?
Where did they find three thousand plates?
Hodniki prazni so bili
The hallways were empty
Grad bo nocoj gostil ljudi
The castle is going to host people tonight
Vrata končno se odpro za vse
The doors finally open for everyone
Čisto pravi ljudje bodo tukaj
Actual real people will be here
Malce nerodno mi bo
I'll be a little shy
Vau naposled nekaj se godi
Wow, something's finally happening
A ker res prvič v življenju
But because truly for the first time in my life
Glasba bo odmevala
Music will echo
Ker res prvič v življenju
Because truly for the first time in my life
Celo noč bom plesala
I'll be dancing the entire night
Ne vem zakaj tako sem živčna
I don't know why I'm so nervous
Mislim da mi je slabo
I think I feel sick
A ker res prvič v življenju
But because truly for the first time in my life
Sama več ne bom
I won't be alone anymore
Komaj čakam da vse spoznam
I can't wait to meet everyone
Kaj če vidim pravega?
What if I see the one?
V lepi obleki sprehajala
I'll be walking around in a beautiful dress
Mično na steno naslonjena
Charmingly leaning on the wall
Nocoj bom prava dama kot iz sna
Tonight I'll be a real lady, as if from a dream
Potem pa zagledam tam stoji
Then I see him standing there
Prekrasen, visok, srce vzdrhti
Gorgeous, tall, my heart trembles
V zmedi s čokolado se gostim
In the confusion I feast on chocolate
Potem pa cel večer kramljava
And then we chat the entire evening
Moj svet je odprta dlan
My world is an open palm
Pravljica ki je še ne poznam
A fairytale I don't yet know
Ker res prvič v življenju
Because truly for the first time in my life
Bo čarobnost, magija
There will be charms, magic
Ker res prvič v življenju
Because truly for the first time in my life
Lahko opazi me nekdo
Someone can notice me
In verjetno sem res v oblakih
And I probably really am up in the clouds
A romance si želim
But I want romance
A ker res prvič v življenju
But because truly for the first time in my life
Lahko jo doživim
I can experience it
Elsa: Skrij svoj obraz
Elsa: Hide your face
Skrij se drugam
Hide somewhere else
Bodi takšna kot drugi so vsi
Be the same as everyone else
Prikrij kar si, naj ne vedo
Hide away what you are, don't let them know
Pokrij roke nihče naj ne izve
Cover your hands, don't let anyone find out
Elsa: A samo za en večer
Elsa: But just for one evening
Ana: Samo za en večer
Ana: Just for one evening
Elsa: Naj hitro se zgodi
Elsa: Let it happen quickly
Ana: Naj hitro se zgodi
Ana: Let it happen quickly
Elsa: Straža vrata naj se nam odpro!
Elsa: Guards, open up the doors for us!
Ana: Ker res prvič v življenju
Ana: Because truly for the first time in my life
Elsa: Skrij svoj obraz, skrij se drugam
Elsa: Hide your face, hide somewhere else
Ana: Sanje vse bliže in bliže so
Ana: Dreams are getting closer and closer
Elsa: Bodi takšna kot drugi vso vsi
Elsa: Be the same as everyone else
Ana: Izgine naj samoten svet
Ana: Let the lonely world disappear
Elsa: Prikrij
Elsa: Hide away
Ana: Ljubezen bom našla
Ana: I'll find love
Elsa: Prikrij kar si, naj ne vedo
Elsa: Hide away what you are, don't let them know
Ana: In jutri bo vsega konec
Ana: And everything will be over tomorrow
Samo nocoj imam
I only have tonight
A ker res prvič v življenju
But because truly for the first time in my life
Ker res prvič v življenju
Because truly for the first time in my life
Nič ne ustavlja me!
Nothing's stopping me!