Rusa lebih baik dari manusia [Reindeer(s) are better than people]
English translation
Reindeer(s) are better than people
Rusa lebih baik dari manusia
Reindeer(s) are better than people
Sven benarkah itu?
Sven, is that true?
Ya, manusia menghajarmu, mengutukmu, dan menipumu
Yes, people beat you, curse you, and deceive you
Mereka semua jahat, kecuali kau
They're all evil, except you
Terima kasih kawan
Thanks, buddy
Tapi bau manusia lebih baik
But the smell of people is better
Sven benarkah aku?
Sven, is that true?
Sekali lagi itu benar kecuali dirimu
Once again that's true, except you
Ayolah tidur, selamat malam
Let's sleep, good night
Nanti kedinginan
You'll get cold