Snjegovića sa mnom gradi
Build a snowman with me
Daj dođi igraj se!
Come on let's go and play!
Sad više te i ne viđam
I don't see you anymore
I ne ideš van baš k'o da nema te!
And you're not coming out just like you've gone away!
K'o blizanke smo bile
We used to be like twins
A sad više ne
And now we're not
O, bar da znam razlog tog!
Oh, I wish that I know the reason!
Snjegovića sa mnom gradi
Build a snowman with me
Il' možemo neš drugo radit'!
Or we can do something else!
Ana, nestani odavde!
Anna, get away from here!
Rukavice ti pomažu
The gloves help you
Vidiš, ne osjećaj
See, don't feel
Ne pokazuj nikom'
Don't show it to anyone
Snjegovića sa mnom gradi!
Build a snowman with me!
Il' po dvorcu baci đir
Or let's take a round in the castle
Sad hitno tvoje društvo trebam ja!
I need your company as soon as possible!
Jer pričam slikama i njihov kradem mir!
Because I'm talking to paintings and stealing their peace!
Drž' se Ivana!
Hang in there Joan!
Baš silno mi je pusto u tim sobama
I feel so lonely in those rooms
Dok dosadno kuca sat!
While clock is boringly ticking!
Sve su snažnije!
They're getting stronger!
Ako si uznemirena još je gore
If you're upset it's even worse
Ne diraj me!
Don't touch me!
Molim vas, ozlijedit' ću vas
Please, I will hurt you
Vidimo se za dva tjedna!
See you in two weeks!
Baš morate ići?
Do you really have to go?
Pa bit će sve u redu Elza
Everything's gonna be fine Elsa
Vaše Veličanstvo
Your Majesty
Znam da si unutra
I know that you're inside
Ljudi za te brinu već
People are already worried about you
Da budem hrabra, evo trudim se!
I'm trying to be brave!
Tu sam kad trebaš me
I'm here when you need me
Tek reci riječ
Just say a word
Od sad smo na tom svijetu
From now on this world
Same ti i ja
It's just you and me
Moramo snage nać
We need to find strength
Snjegovića sa mnom gradi
Build a snowman with me