میشه یه چیز عجیب غریب بهت بگم؟
Can I tell you something crazy?
من عاشق این چیزام!
I love these things!
همه عمرم جلو روم درای بسته بود
All my life was closed doors in my face
تا که شدم با تو روبهرو
until I faced with you
دل به دل راه داره؛ چون منم…
Heart speaks to heart; as I…
همه عمر جستجوم راه زندگی بود
searched for the way of life my whole lifetime
تا شاید بگی که سرخوشه بس که خورده فوندو!
until you say he's exhilarated, maybe because he has eaten much fondue!
پیدا کردم!
found it(=the love)!
ندا کردم!
…called it(=the love)!
سرشارم از شادی و حسّ نو!
I'm overflowed of happiness & a new feeling!
درا بازن با تو!
The doors are open with you!
درا بازن با…
The doors are open with…
درا بازن با تو!
The doors are open with you!
درا بازن با تو
The doors are open with you
خیلی بامزهست…
It's so funny…
که تموم میکنیم…
That we finish…
غذای همو!
each other's food!
منم میخواستم همینو بگم!
That's what I was going to say!
ندیدم کسی رو…
I've not seen someone…
انقدر تفریک با من!
Who is so much like me!
اااِ! باهم!
Oh! We did the same thing!
باز باهم گفتیم!
We started to talk together again!
هماهنگیم و جوریم باهم
We're synced & match with each other
چون ساخته شدیم برا هم
'Cause we are meant for each other
گذشته، گذشتهست
The past is in the past
شدیم ما از غما دورِ دور!
We got too far from the sorrow!
درا بازن با تو
The doors are open with you!
درا بازن با…
The doors are open with…
همآوازم با تو!
[Now that] I'm singing with you!
درا بازن با…
The doors are open with…
آنا: تو...اوه!
Anna: You…oh!