Translation of the song Paperisiivet artist Olavi Uusivirta



English translation

Paper wings

Eläköön asfaltti

Hurrah for asphalt

Eläköön marttyyrit

Hurrah for martyrs

Sul on mieli täynnä rakkautta ja tappajan kuvia

You have a mind full of love and pictures of a killer

Olet suurin kaikista

You are the biggest of them all

Olet astronautti

You are an astronaut

Sun on pakko lentää ilmassa ja potkia kiviä

You must fly in the air and kick stones

Ja potkia kiviä

and kick stones

Sun paperisiivet on tallella [3x]

You've still got your paper wings [3x]

Puhut vieraita kieliä

You speak in foreign languages

Kunnes sanat loppuu

Until words run out

Sul on mieli täynnä autoja ja teiden varsia

You have a mind full of cars and roadsides

Älä huoli aamuja

Don't worry about mornings

Älä itke iltoja

Don't cry over evenings

Sul on veljiä maailman laidoilla ja siskoja satamissa

You have brothers on the borders of the world and sisters in harbours

Ja siskoja satamissa

and sisters in harbours

Sun paperisiivet on tallella [3x]

You've still got your paper wings [3x]

Lupasitko liikaa kun sanoit aina

Did you promise too much when you always said

Muistitko äkkiä miltä asemalaituri tuoksuu

Did you suddenly remember what the platform smells like

Reput täynnä vaihtopaitoja, painaa

Backpacks full of extra shirts, it's heavy

Telineillä lapset sotii painovoimaa vastaan

Children in the jungle gyms are fighting against gravity

Kohositko lapsena ilmaan aina

Did you always soar in the air as a child

Sun paperisiivet on tallella

You've still got your paper wings

Sun paperisiivet on tallella [4x]

You've still got your paper wings [4x]

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