雪だるま つくろう
Let's build a snowman
ドアを開けて 一緒に遊ぼう
Open the door, let's play together
Why won't you come out?
前は仲良くしてたのに なぜ会えないの
Even though we were such good friends before, why can't I see you?
雪だるま つくろう 大きな雪だるま
Let's build a snowman, a big snowman
雪だるま つくろう
Let's build a snowman
Since I'm always alone,
I end up talking to the paintings on the walls
Hang in there, Jeanne!
さびしい部屋で 柱時計
In this lonely room,
I just look at the wall clock and such
ねえ ドアを開けて 心配してるの
Hey, open the door, I'm worried about you
そばにいれば 支え合える 2人で
If you're by my side, we can support each other together
あたしたちだけで これから
Now that it's just the two of us,
How will things be from now on?
雪だるま つくろう
Let's build a snowman