Translation of the song عصفور artist Aida El Ayoubi



English translation

A bird

عصفور طلّ من الشباك، قال لي يا نونو

A bird stood at my window. And said, Oh, little one.

خبيني عندك خبيني دخلك يا نونو - x2

Hide me with you, I beg you.

قلتلّه انت من وين . قال لي من حدود السما

I said, Where are you from?, From the limits of the sky, he said.

قلتله جايي من وين . قال لي من بيت الجيران

I said, Where did you come from?, From the neighbour's house, he answered.

قلتله خايف من مين . قال لي من القفص هربان

I said, What are you afraid of?, I escaped from the cage, he said

قلتله ريشاتك وين . قال لي فرفطها الزمان

I said, What are your feathers?, Fate took care of them, he said.

عصفور طل من الشباك قال لي يانونو

A bird stood at my window. And said, Oh, little one.

خبيني عندك خبيني دخلِك يا نونو

Hide me with you, I beg you.

نزلت على خده دمعة وجناحاته مدكية

A tear fell on his cheek. His wings tucked underneath him,

واتهدى بالأرض وقال بدي أمشي وما فييّ

He landed on the ground and said, I want to walk, but I can't.

ضميتو على قلبي وصار يتوجع على جروحاته

I held him to my heart, hurting from his wounds

قبل ما يكسر الحبس كسر صوته وجناحاته

Before he finally broke out of his jail, he broke his voice and his wings

قلتله إنت من وين قلي من حدود السماء

I said, Where are you from?, From the limits of the sky, he said.

قلتله جاي من وين قلي من بيت الجيران

I said, Where did you come from?, From the neighbour's house, he answered.

قلتله خايف من مين قلي من القفص هربان

I said, What are you afraid of?, I escaped from the cage, he said

قلتله ريشاتك وين قلي فرفطها الزمان

I said, What are your feathers?, Fate took care of them, he said.

قلتله لا تخاف إتطلع شوف الشمس اللي رح تطلع

I said, Do not fear, see the sun rising?

وتطلع على الغابة وشاف أمواج الحرية بتلمع

He looked toward the forest, saw the tides of freedom glitter,

شاف جوانح عم بترفرف من خلف بواب العلية

He saw wings flutter beyond the high gates.

شاف الغابة عم بتحلق على جوانح الحرية

He saw the forest flying on the wings of freedom.

قلتله إنت من وين قلي من حدود السما

I said, Where are you from?, From the limits of the sky, he said.

قلتله جاي من وين قلي من بيت الجيران

I said, Where did you come from?, From the neighbour's house, he answered.

قلتله خايف من مين قلي من القفص هربان

I said, What are you afraid of?, I escaped from the cage, he said

قلتله ريشاتك وين قلي فرفطها الزمان

I said, What are your feathers?, Fate took care of them, he said.

عصفور طل من الشباك وقلي يا نونو

A bird stood at my window. And said, Oh, little one.

خبيني عندك . خبيني دخلك يا نونو

Hide me with you, I beg you.

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