Translation of the song Černa jama artist Jaromír Nohavica


Černa jama

English translation


V našem domě je jak v černe jamě

It looks like in a black hole in our house

Hrozně nasrani su všeci na mě

They are all mad at me

Už to cele trva dva měsice

It's been two months

Asi nejspiš pujdu oběsit se

I think I'm gonna hang myself

Nelez na strom, bo se větev zlomi

Don't climb the tree, the branch will break

Budeš ležet dole v bezvědomi

You'll be laying down unconscious

S rozbitu hlavu a nohu v řiti

With broken head and shitty leg

Budeš na fakultce maroditi

You'll be ill at the University Hospital

Vylezu na komin, skočím dolu

I'll climb a smokestack, jump down

Lidi budu plakat nad mrtvolu

People will be crying over my dead body

Vzpomenu se, jaky sem byl dobry

They'll remember how good I was

Zrobi křižek z dýhy, nebo z hobry

They'll make a veneer cross or softboard cross

Hovno plakat budu, su to svině

What a bullshit, they won't be crying, they are swines

Budeš ležet zaraženy v hlině

You'll be laying on the ground, stuck in the clay

Lidi budu chodit kolem z šichty

People will walk around, on their way from work

A dělat na tebe blbe ksichty

And make stupid faces on you

V lekarně si kupim cyankali

I'll buy myself potassium cyanide in a pharmacy

Aby všecky baby zaplakaly

So all the ladies will be crying

Vyzunknu ten lektvar na dva hlty

I'll drink that potion with only two gulps

A sem na sto procent synem smrti

And I'm a son of death, for sure

Dneska těžko říci, co se stane

It's not that clear what will happen

Bo je všecko kolem pančovane

Because everything is with adulterations

Chceš byt mrtvy a konečně happy

You want to be dead and finally happy

A budeš živy a k tomu slepy

And you'll be alive and blind

Lehnu na koleje u Studenky

I'll lie on the rails in Studénka

Zbudou po mně jenom bile trenky

And only thing that will be left, will be my white boxers

Pendolino pofiči si k Praze

Pendolino will go to Prague

A mně už konečně bude blaze

And I'll be finally happy

Hovno blaze, synku, nebuď hlupy

What a bullshit, son, don't be stupid

Vlak tě jenom žduchne mezi slupy

The train will only push you between poles

Podvrtnuty kotnik, to nic neni

Sprained ankle, that's nothing

Zaplatiš pokutu za zpožděni

You'll pay the fine for the delay

Pořidim si velku kulovnicu

I'll buy myself a big hunting rifle

Přiložim ju ku levemu licu

And put it to my left cheek

Napočítám do tři, zavřu oči

I'll count to three, close my eyes

Zmačknu kohoutek a všecko skonči

Pull the trigger and everything will end

Ruka se ti třepe, stary byku

Your hand is shaking, you old moron

Prostřeliš si ucho v okamžiku

You'll shoot your ear in a minute

Navíc kulovnice - strašna šupa

Moreover - a hunting rifle - a loud bang

Budeš, chlape, za hlucheho hňupa

You'll be a deaf idiot

Kurva poraď Bože, co mam robit

Fuck, God, give me advice, what to do

Lapeny v pasti, jak v lese Hobit

I'm trapped, like a Hobbit in a forest

Ty mě k sobě nechceš, to je v řiti

You don't want me by your side, that sucks

Zbyva mi jen smutne živobyti

The only thing that is left for me, is my sad living

Jake smutne živobyti, vole

What a sad living, you idiot

Buď rad, cype, že si ještě dole

Be glad, that you are down there

Přestaň kuřit, chlastat a vyryvat

Stop smoking, drinking and complaining

Kdo se ma na to tu shora divat

Who is supposed to look at it up there

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