U nás v domě řikají mi Ferda Šiška,
They call me Ferda Šiška at home
bo už od pohledu chytrý jsem jak liška
Because I'm smart just when you look at me
a když kery něco nevi
And when someone doesn't know something
nebo když je na co levy,
Or when someone can't do something
tak de za mnu a ja všecko najdu v knižkach.
They come to me and I find it in books
tak de za mnu a ja všecko najdu v knižkach
They come to me and I find it in books
Raz mi řikal jeden znamy dole v baře,
One day my friend told me in the bar
že s tú hlavu moh bych do Milionaře,
That I can go to Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? with my head
čemu ne řikam si brachu
Why not, I told myself
šak ma Železny dost prachu,
Železný* has got a lot of money
no a Čechovi se podivam do tvaře.
And I can look to the face of Čech**
no a Čechovi se podivam do tvaře.
And I can look to the face of Čech
Dostal jsem se mezi partu uchazeču,
I got myself to the bunch of candidates
nikdo nema šajn, jak tam nervy teču.
No one knows how nervous I am
Všecko viděl jsem to hnědé,
I saw it all in brown
tak jsem zmačknul A B C D
So I pressed A B C D
no a už mě kurva a ke stolečku vleču.
And fuck, they are dragging me to the table
no a už mě kurva ke stolečku vleču.
And fuck, they are dragging me to the table
Čech to začal takym malym interviju,
Čech started it with a little interview
co pry robim, estli kuřim a co piju.
Where do I work, if I smoke and what I drink
Tak jsem řeknul co jsem řeknul,
So I told what I told
on se evidentně leknul
I evidently scared him
a už začly blikat světla ve studiu.
And the lights started to shine in the studio
a už začly blikat světla ve studiu.
And the lights started to shine in the studio
První otázka pry co je ukulele,
The first question is what is ukulele
tož to se přiznam měl jsem bobky u prdele,
I must confess, I was so scared I almost shit myself
tak jsem radši hlavu sklonil,
I bent my head
abych to všecko neskonil,
So I won't screw it
řikam, chtěl bych se obratit na přitele.
I said: I would like to call my friend
řikam, chtěl bych se obratit na přitele.
I said: I would like to call my friend
Lojza byl po hlasu silně nevyspaly,
Lojza's voice was so sleepy
asi zase celu šichtu prochlastali,
I guess they were drinking through the whole shift
bylo slyšet jak tam dýcha,
I could hear him breathing
ale třicet vteřin ticha,
But thirty seconds of silence
to je tak, když se vam kamarád navali.
That's when your friend got drunk
to je tak, když se vam kamarád navali.
That's when your friend got drunk
Moju staru zatim doma braly mory,
My wife was crazy at home
lidi ohryzavali televizory,
People were biting TVs
tady nešlo nad čim plesat,
There was nothing to be happy about
tož padesat na padesat,
So fifty fifty
ať vim esi su to ty bulharske hory.
So I will know if the right answer is that Bulgarian mountains
ať vim esi su to ty bulharske hory.
So I will know if the right answer is that Bulgarian mountains
A už jasně na tym komputeře sviti,
And it shines brightly on that computer
buď to je to za A vzacne lučni kviti,
It's A: rare meadow flower
nebo za B nastroj strunny,
Or B: stringed instrument
tu jde kurňa o koruny
There are Crowns*** in game, shit
a ja stejně jak na začatku sem v řiti.
And I'm screwed like in the beginning
a ja stejně jak na začatku sem v řiti.
And I'm screwed like in the beginning
Čech tam zatim maval tymi svymi čisly,
Čech was waving with his numbers
tak si řikam Franta, napi se a mysli,
So I told myself Franta, drink and think
jake tudy saky paky,
So whatever
obratiš se na divaky,
Turn to the audience
šak tu zatim za ty prachy enem kysli.
They were just sitting here and they paid a lot of money
šak tu zatim za ty prachy enem kysli.
They were just sitting here and they paid a lot of money
Sám jsem byl zvědavy co publikum zvoli,
I was curious what the audience will choose
bo aj v obecenstvu možu sedět voli,
Because in the audience there can sit idiots
devadesat procent za B,
Ninety percent for B
ale to mi přišlo slabe,
But it wasn't enough
bo co neni stopro to mě dycky smoli!
Because what is not a hundred percent is pissing me off
bo co neni stopro to mě dycky smoli!
Because what is not a hundred percent is pissing me off
Ještě, že sem chlap, co z boja neutika,
Luckily I'm not the man who runs from the fight
řikam pane Čechu pudem do rizika,
I told Mister Čech, let's risk
měl jsem v gaťach nadělano,
I was shitting myself
ale Čech zakřičel: ,,Ano
But Čech yelled: Yes
mate pravdu je to nastroj hudebnika.''
You are right, it's an instrument of a musician.
měl jsem pravdu, byl to nastroj hudebnika.
I was right, it was an instrument of a musician
Lidi tleskali, bo uspěch to byl plny,
People was clapping because it was a success
radosti zrobili dvě mexicke vlny
They made two Mexican waves from happiness
a ja co mam srdce skromne,
And I, who has a modest heart
jako všeci z Dolní Lomne,
Like everyone from Dolní Lomná****
sem byl spokojeny, bo sem ukol splnil.
Was happy, because I fulfilled my task
sem byl spokojeny, bo sem ukol splnil.
Was happy, because I fulfilled my task
Pane Čechu nerad přetahnul bych strunu,
Mister Čech, I wouldn't want to pull the string
končim hru a beru si tisícikorunu,
I'm ending the game and taking a thousad crowns
Čech se jenom chytnul stolu,
Čech just caught the table
oboči mu spadlo dolu,
His eyebrows fell down
no a už se modry ku podlaze sunul.
And all blue he was sliding to the floor
no a už se modry ku podlaze sunul.
And all blue he was sliding to the floor
Prvni třidu do Ostravy Intercity,
The first class to the Ostrava Intercity
v jidelňaku celú cestu valim kyty
I'm relaxing in the buffet car
a ta stovka co mi zbude,
And that hundred crowns left
to je přispěvek na chude,
Will be a donation for the poor ones
bo Ostrava je region razovity.
Because Ostrava is a peculiar region
A ta stovka co mi zbude,
And that hundred crowns left
to je přispěvek na chude,
Will be a donation for the poor ones
bo Ostrava je region razovity.
Because Ostrava is a peculiar region