Translation of the song Pijte vodu artist Jaromír Nohavica
Pijte vodu
Drink water
Pijte vodu
Drink water
pijte pitnou vodu
Drink potable water
pijte vodu
Drink water
a nepijte rum
and don't drink rum
Pijte vodu
Drink water
pijte pitnou vodu
Drink potable water
pijte vodu
Drink water
a nepijte rum
and don't drink rum
Pijte vodu
Drink water
pijte pitnou vodu
Drink potable water
pijte vodu
Drink water
a nepijte rum
and don't drink rum
Jeden smutný ajznboňák
One sad railroad worker
pil na pátém nástupišti ajerkoňak
drank eggnog on fifth platform
huba se mu slepila
it glued his mouth
diesel lokomotiva ho zabila
and diesel engine killed him
Pijte vodu
Drink water
pijte pitnou vodu
Drink potable water
pijte vodu
Drink water
a nepijte rum
and don't drink rum
Pijte vodu
Drink water
pijte pitnou vodu
Drink potable water
pijte vodu
Drink water
a nepijte rum
and don't drink rum
V rodině u Becherů
In Becher's family
becherovku pijou přímo ze džberů
they drink becherovka straight from bucket.
proto všichni Becheři
That is why every Becher
mají trable s játrama a páteří
has sore liver and spine
Pijte vodu…
Drink water...
Pil som vodku značky Gorbatschow
(In slovak)
a potom povedal som všeličo a volačo
I drank Gorbatschow brand vodka
vyfásol som za to tri roky
and then I said this and that
teraz pijem chlorované patoky
I got three years for that
Pijte vodu…
Drink water...
Jesteśmy chłopci z Warszawy
(In polish)
jeżdżimy pociągiem za robotą do Ostrawy
We are boys from Warsaw
cztery litry wódki a mnóstwo piw
We are going by train to Ostrava
po prostu bardzo fajny kolektyw
Four litres of vodka and lot of beer
Pijte vodu…
Drink water...
Jedna paní v Americe
One lady in Americe
ztrapnila se převelice
Embarrassed herself very much
vypila na ex rum
She drank rum in one gulp
a poblila jim Bílý dům
And vomited on White house
Pijte vodu…
Drink water...