Translation of the song Prócz nas nie mamy nic artist Stenia Kozłowska
Prócz nas nie mamy nic
We Have Nothing But Each Other
Prócz nas nie mamy nic.
We have nothing but each other.
Gdzie ja - tam zawsze ty.
Where I am, you are always there.
Znasz mnie, ja ciebie znam
You know me, I know you
i to wystarczy nam.
and that’s enough for us.
Choć nic nie mamy dla siebie
Although we don’t have anything for us
prócz nas i naszych dni,
except ourselves and our days,
oczu twych, jak gwiazdy na niebie
your eyes like stars in the sky
i to jest dla nas wszystko.
and that’s everything for us.
Prócz nas nie mamy nic.
We have nothing but each other.
To zmierzch płynie jak dym.
There’s twilight floating like smoke.
To wiatr cicho nam gra.
There’s the wind playing softly for us.
Gdzie ty - tam zawsze ja.
Where you are, I’m always there.
Choć nic nie mamy dla siebie
Although we don’t have anything for us
prócz gwiazd, wiatru i mgły,
except the stars, the wind and the mist,
czego nam potrzeba do szczęścia?
what do we need to be happy?
Już nic, już więcej nic.
Just nothing, nothing at all.
Choć nic nie mamy dla siebie
Although we don’t have anything for us
prócz gwiazd, wiatru i mgły,
except the stars, the wind and the mist,
czego nam potrzeba do szczęścia?
what do we need to be happy?
Już nic, już więcej nic.
Just nothing, nothing at all.
Prócz nas nie mamy nic
We have nothing but each other
i to wystarczy nam.
and that’s enough for us.
Gdzie ja - tam zawsze ty,
Where I am, you are always there,
gdzie ty - tam zawsze ja.
Where you are, I’m always there.