Translation of the song Ploua cu frunze reci si ruginite artist Marius Alexandru Poezii
Ploua cu frunze reci si ruginite
It Is Raining with Cold, Rusty Leaves
Ploua cu frunze reci si ruginite
It is raining with cold, rusty leaves
peste trupul meu tomnatic si tampla-mi obosita.
over my autumnal body and my tired temple.
Mi-e frig. Acopera-mi gandurile si visurile ne-implinite
I'm cold. Cover my unfulfilled thoughts and dreams
cu Harul Tau Divin si Soapta Ta iubita.
with Your Divine Grace and Your beloved Whisper.
Praful auriu al lunii se scutura usor
The golden dust of the moon shakes easily
peste fata mea trista si lumea plumburie.
over my sad face and the leaden world.
Mi-e frica. Picteaza-mi aripi si-nvata-ma sa zbor
I'm afraid. Make me wings, paint them in gold, and teach me to fly
spre zari albastre si spre slavi de bucurie.
to blue horizons and the glories of joy.
Cad stele una cate una, rand pe rand,
Stars fall one by one, one by one,
si se topesc in noaptea sufletului meu uscat.
and they melt in the night of my dry soul.
Mi-e sete. Toarna-mi Iubirea in inima si-n gand,
I'm thirsty. Pour Love into my heart and mind,
si fa-ma un izvor de Apa Vie nesecat.
and make me a fountain of living water.
Luceferi blonzi se scalda-n intuneric,
Blond lights bathe in the dark,
In odaite incuiate se duc lupte-n rugaciuni.
In the corners of locked rooms, there are fights in prayer,
Mi-e dor. Mi-e dor de Chipul Tau feeric,
I long, I miss Your enchanting Face,
mi-e dor de sunet de trompeta, mi-e dor sa vii sa ne aduni.
I miss the sound of the trumpet I miss You to come to gather us.