Brezi im kur ti buzeqesh
My generation, when you smile
Agimin shoh une, si lind.
I see the dawn, I see the sunrise.
Dhe ne sy tek une sjell
And it brings to my sight
T’shoh kudo kantiere t’rinj
To see the new work sites everywhere
Flamuj shoh une majave, kur ngre.
The banners which you raise high above.
Drejt fitoresh po marshon
You’re marching towards victories
Ne marshime po rreshton
In the marches lined up.
Neper shtigje te lavdishme
Through glorious paths
Ti u ngjite kryelart.
You proceeded proudly.
Drejt fitoresh po marshon
You’re marching towards victories
Ne marshime po rreshton
In the marches lined up
Neper shtigje te lavdishme
Through glorious paths
Ti po ngjitesh brezi im.
You proceed, my generation.
Dhe kur mosha do na zbardhe
And when age will whiten our hair
Te rinj ne prape do qendrojme
Young we’ll remain still
Gjithnji flamujt lart do t’i mbajme
The banners we’ll always hold up high
Se rinia jone po rrjedh
Because our youth is forever flowing
Perjestesisht ne dejt e tu atdhe.
In you veins, fatherland.
Drejt fitoresh po marshon
You’re marching towards victories
Ne marshime po rreshton
In the marches lined up
Neper shtigje te lavdishme
Through glorious paths
Ti u ngjite kryelart.
You proceeded proudly.
Drejt fitoresh po marshon
You’re marching towards victories
Drejt fitoresh po marshon
You’re marching towards victories
Po marshon.
You’re marching.