1.Dje cdo hap ish krisme e nje dyfeku
1.Yesterday, every step was fire of the rifle
Dje cdo hap nje pike gjaku ish
Yesterday, every step was a drop of blood
Dhe pas Qemalit naten bregut ndriten
And after Qemal*, at the shore shone at night
Me mijera yje ndezur zemren flake..
Thousands of stars, their hearts burning ablaze
O rini ti gaz per dite te reja
O youth - the joy that brings new days
Serish atdheu te kendoi ty.
The homeland sang to you again.
Shkrepave ku shkrepe si rrufeja
Over the rocks, where you used to fire like lightning
Ky vrulli yt kudo sot po gjemon.
Today your drive is thundering, everywhere.
2.Vargje shinash ti ngado po shtron sot
2.Rows of rails everywhere you are laying
Malesh digat ti po ngre me lart
On the mountains, the dams you erect higher
Mbi keto shina dhe mbi keto diga
On these rails and on these dams
Po ngrihesh ti rini flamur i zjarrte
You are rising, youth, like a fiery banner