Translation of the song Diilerit artist Benjamin



English translation


Telotte mun perhoset

You kill my butterflies

Mun pehmeet pinkit pilvikerrokset

My soft pink layers of clouds

Teistä saan hyvää mieltä

I get good vibes from you

Onneks EU ei teitä vielä kiellä

Luckily the EU doesn't ban you yet

Oon koukussa rakkauteen

I'm on the hook for love

Joka saa mun suurehkon egon laukee

That makes my big ego burst

Addiktio oikea

True addiction

Joka voi tappaa sut nopeesti

That can kill you quickly

Ei tarvi hakee grammaa kadulta

No need to look for a gram on the streets

Jotta elämän saa tuntuu sadulta

So you that can make the life feel like a fairy tale

Mä saan sen kaiken potenssiin sata

I'm all that to the potency of one hundred

Mä oon taivaassa

I'm in heaven

Hei, kaikki mun diilerit

Hey, all my dealers

Diilatkaa mulle mun pienet onnen pillerit

Deal me my small pills of happiness

Hei, kaikki mun diilerit

Hey, all my dealers

Antakaa lisää tai kuolen ku saan vajarit

Give me more or I'll die if I get less than expected

Hei, mun rakkaat diilerit

Hey, my beloved dealers

Nuori narkkari mä oon

I'm a young junkie

Mut en turvaudu piikkiin tai pulloon

But I won't resort to the needle or the bottle

Laikit valuu vartaloon

Stains flow down my body

Ku sais sopia ettei suoraan valtimoon

If I could only make a deal not to inject straight into my artery

Hei, kaikki mun diilerit

Hey, all my dealers

Diilatkaa mulle mun pienet onnen pillerit

Deal me my small pills of happiness

Hei, kaikki mun diilеrit

Hey, all my dealers

Antakaa lisää tai kuolen ku saan vajarit

Give me more or I'll die if I get less than expected

Hei, mun rakkaat diilerit

Hey, my beloved dealers

Kokaiinii koukuttavampaa mut huumеita halvempaa

Cocaine gets you more hooked up, but it's cheaper than [other] drugs

Itsetunnon itsemurhaa

Suicide of one's self-esteem

Toiset uran kuvist rakentaa

Others build a groove from images

Toiset toisii alas nakertaa

Others nibble away at other people

Kaikki on kuitenki turhaa

All is is still meaningless

Hei, kaikki mun diilerit

Hey, all my dealers

Diilatkaa mulle mun pienet onnen pillerit

Deal me my small pills of happiness

Hei, kaikki mun diilerit

Hey, all my dealers

Antakaa lisää tai kuolen ku saan vajarit

Give me more or I'll die if I get less than expected

Hei, mun rakkaat diilerit

Hey, my beloved dealers

Hei, kaikki mun diilerit

Hey, all my dealers

Diilatkaa mulle mun pienet onnen pillerit

Deal me my small pills of happiness

Hei kaikki mun diilerit

Hey, all my dealers

Antakaa lisää tai kuolen ku saan vajarit

Give me more or I'll die if I get less than expected

Hei, mun rakkaat diilerit

Hey, my beloved dealers

Hei, mun rakkaat diilerit

Hey, my beloved dealers

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