Translation of the song 待宵姫 artist Absolute Castaway
The Princess Waiting for the Evening
I’ll wait forever
I’ll bid farewell to the summer, again
いつの日か 名を呼ばれるその日まで
Until the day my name will be called again…
遠い遠い追憶の 彼方揺れる想い
Beyond that distant, distant recollection, a thought is trembling
今は顔もおぼろげな 貴方は誰ですか
“Who are you, who now has this pale face?”
永い永い星霜の 果てに何があるの
What is lying at the end of those long, long years?
水は流れ玉響の 涙も留まらない
The water is flowing, and the dew teardrops won’t stop too
どうして 寂しいのでしょう
I wonder why I’m so lonely
I can’t understand why, but…
いつまでも待ちましょう (あなたを)
I’ll wait forever (I’ll wait)
また夏を送りましょう (まってる)
I’ll bid farewell to the summer, again (For you)
誰かも判らぬ 愛しい貴方のこと (きおくはかすんで)
I don’t even know about someone, about you, my dear (The memory is hazy)
生きる意味を与えて 温もりを教えてくれた (それでも、いまはただ)
You gave me the meaning of life, and taught me what warmth is (But still, now I’m just…)
それだけは 忘れずに憶えてます
I can’t just forget all of this, I’ll remember it
浅沙の花を 文代わりに流そう
I’ll exchange the flow of flowers of floating hearts with verses
たとえ誰にも 届かないと知っても
Even though I know that they won’t reach anyone
Rustling all along… the sound of the stream won’t change…
全てを 流していく…
Everything is flowing…
夏の夜を 蛍が照らす
The fireflies illuminate this Summer night
何故か不意に 心が痛んだ
And for some reason, unexpectedly, my heart ached
いつまでも待ちましょう (あなたを)
I’ll wait forever (I waited)
また夏を送りましょう (まってた)
I’ll bid farewell to the summer, again (For you)
悲しみの末に息絶えて (それすらわすれて)
The breath stops once the suffering ends (Forget it anyway)
今もまだ 愛しさを抱えてる (うつろう)
I’m still suffering for love
幾つもの輪廻の中で (いまもまだ)
In an undefined number of circles of life (And yet still…)
いつの日か 逢えると信じています
But I’m still having faith that one day I’ll meet you.