Translation of the song 伝わりますか artist ASKA (Japan)
Will I be introduced?
淡い紅を かるくのせて
Putting slightly on a pale rouge
想い出追えば 娘にかえる
When I follow the memories, I become a girl again
恋を知れば 夜が長く
When I knew love, nights became longer
街ち人の名を つぶやいた頃
It was when I muttered the names of the people in the city
A woman for a person
Travels through time and becomes beautiful
The strength of your arms
消えない ぬくもり
Is the warmth that doesn't fade
今もたどれるものなら もう一度 もう一度
If I could follow you now, I'd do it once again
全てを無くす愛なら あなたしかない
My love that would get rid of everything is only for you
愛するくらい 愛されたいと
I want to be loved as much as I love
願う心が 重荷でしたね
My heart that wished it was a load
恋の色は 夕暮れの空
The color of romance is like the twilight sky
うす紅に はかなく落ちた
Light crimson, fleetingly fell
伝わりますか 今夜は
Will I be introduced tonight?
悪い女に なっています
I'm becoming a bad woman
Please, let disappear
The happiness you protect
なりふりかまわぬ恋を もう一度 もう一度
Let's have a romance without caring for the looks once again
全てを無くす愛なら あなたしかない
My love that would get rid of everything is only for you
さびしい夜は 娘心が 悪戯します
In the lonely night, a girl's heart makes pranks
今もたどれるものなら もう一度 もう一度
If I could follow you now, I'd do it once again
全てを無くす愛なら あなたしかない
My love that would get rid of everything is only for you
さびしい夜は 娘心が 悪戯します
In the lonely night, a girl's heart makes pranks