Translation of the song 晴天を誉めるなら夕暮れを待て artist ASKA (Japan)
If you admire the clear sky, wait for the twilight
ダイヤモンドさえも 年を重ねてる
Even diamonds grow old
まして星なんて 燃えて消えて行く
Let alone the stars that burn and fade
形あるものが 限りあるなんて
If something has a shadow, it's finite
寂しさを添えて 信じ合っている
We believe each other accompanying loneliness
科学は正しいと言う 迷信の風で育った
I was raised with the wind of the superstition that science is fair
ねえ青い帽子の丘で 夕暮れに吹く風を待ってみないかい
Won't you wait for the wind blowing in the twilight on the blue hat hill?
沈みかけの太陽見つめたら 許すようにうなずいて
When you see the sun sinking, nod to forgive me
振り返らない覚悟で ついでのような角度で誉めりゃいい
Be ready to not turn around. You can admire it with such angle
命尽きるまで 愛しつづけたい
Until my life is over, I want to keep loving you
命尽きるまで すべての嘘を守りたい
Until my life is over, I want to defend you from lies
かさぶただらけの心で いつも恋をして来た
I always fell in love with a heart full of crusts
ねえ人込みの温もりが 夢見がちな季節を生んでいないかい
Won't you give birth a season where the warmth of people can dream?
そんな答えのごとく立ち上がる 青い天(そら)に抱かれても
Like that answer you raise, even if the blue sky embraces you
胸を流れる水の音(ね)が もうひとつを追うように響きゃいい
The noise of the water flowing in your chest, as if ti chases something, can echo
そんな少しばかりの満足で 青い天(そら)に抱かれても
You're a bit satisfied, even if the blue sky embraces you
胸を流れる水の音(ね)が もうひとつを追うように
The noise of the water flowing in your chest, as if ti chases something
晴天を誉めるなら 夕暮れを待て
If you admire the clear sky, wait for the twilight
沈みかけの太陽見つめたら 許すようにうなずいて
When you see the sun sinking, nod to forgive me
振り返らない覚悟で ついでのような角度で誉めりゃいい
Be ready to not turn around. You can admire it with such angle