Translation of the song 月が近づけば少しはましだろう artist ASKA (Japan)



English translation

If the moon gets near, I'll maybe feel a little better

いろんなこと言われる度にやっぱり 弱くなる

When they tell me many things, I get weaker

いろんなこと考える度に 撃ち抜かれて

When I think of many things, I'm torn


I become a lonely man who doesn't know lovers

壁にもたれて もう一度受け止める

Leaning on the wall, I react once again


By a small waterfall

角を曲がるといつも 消え失せてしまう言葉だけど

Her words should disappear by turning the corner

心の中では 切れて仕方ない

But helplessly they break my heart

この指の先でそっと 拭きとれるはずの言葉だけど

Her words should be scraped with the tip of my fingers

積もり始めたら 泣けて仕方ない

But when I try to do it I cry helplessly

ごまかしながら生きて来たなんて 思わないけど

I don't think I've lived while doing smoke and mirrors


Only with things that would slip stained in dreams

毎日の自分をどこか 振り分けてた

Every day I split myself in two somewhere

僕の中を 通り過ぎ行く人

The people going through me


Is people of one moment

朝の改札では 大勢の人が流れて行く

Many people flow through the morning ticket gate

カーテンを引いて ベッドに転がる

I lay on the bed pulling the curtain

静かに変わる時間を 閉じるように瞼を閉じる

I close my eyes to shut the time passing silently

月が近づけば 少しはましだろう

If the moon gets near, I'll maybe feel a little better

動きたくない身体を 毛布に沈めて聞いてた

Sinking my body unwilling to move on the sheet

鳴り止まないサイレンの音 胸の音なのか

I heard a siren that can't stop ringing. Is it my chest?

角を曲がるといつも 消え失せてしまう言葉だけど

Her words should disappear by turning the corner

心の中では 切れて仕方ない

But helplessly they break my heart

この指の先でそっと 拭きとれるはずの言葉だけど

Her words should be scraped with the tip of my fingers

積もり始めたら 泣けて仕方ない

But when I try to do it I cry helplessly

静かに変わる時間を 閉じるように瞼を閉じる

I close my eyes to shut the time passing silently

月が近づけば 少しはましだろう

If the moon gets near, I'll maybe feel a little better

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