Translation of the song Marco [Opening] (Spanish) artist 3000 Leagues in Search of Mother (OST)
Marco [Opening] (Spanish)
En un puerto italiano
In an Italian port
al pie de las montañas
at the foot of the mountains
vive nuestro amigo marco
lives our friend Marco
en una humilde morada
in a humble abode.
Se levanta
He awakens
muy temprano
very early
para ayudar a su buena mamá
to help his dear mother.
Pero un día la tristeza
But one day sadness
llega hasta su corazón
reached his heart.
Mamá tiene que partir
Mother must depart,
cruzando el mar a otro país
crossing the sea to another country.
No te vayas mamá
Don't go mother,
no te alejes de mi
don't go far from me,
adiós mamá
goodbye mother,
pensare mucho en ti
I shall think greatly of you,
no te olvides mamá
don't forget mother
que aquí tienes tu hogar
that here you have a home.
si no vuelves pronto iré
If you don't return soon I will go
a buscarte donde estes
in search of you wherever you are,
no importas a donde vayas
no matter where you go,
¡Te encontraré!
I will find you!