Translation of the song Sóc aquí [I'm still here] artist Treasure Planet (OST)
Sóc aquí [I'm still here]
I'm here
Jo sóc pregunta per al món
I'm a question for the world
No sóc pas una resposta
But I'm not an answer,
Un moment de que vas disposar.
Or a moment you can dispose of.
I què penses que podries dir?
And what do you think you can say ?
Saps que no et vull escoltar.
You know I don't want to listen to you
No em coneixes i jo mai seré el que tu vols per a mi.
You don't know me, and I'll never be what you want me to be.
I què penses que entendries doncs
So, what do you think you understand ?
Sóc un home no un noi.
I'm a man, not a child
No em pots treure, llençar-me ben lluny.
You can't take me and throw me away
I com pots aprendre cap lliçó
And, how can you learn a lesson
Si et deixen aquí sol?
If they all leave and let you alone ?
No em coneixen, no sóc aquí.
They don't know me, I'm not here
Jo vull un moment per ser real
I want a moment to be real
El que no he sentit tocar.
I want to touch what I can't hear
Esperar-me, sentir-me comprès.
Wait for me, let me feel understood
El món vol que no sigui el mateix,
The world wants to be different
Quan són ells que no canvien.
But yet they are those who don't change
No em coneixen però sóc aquí.
They don't know me, but I'm here.
I tu veus el que ells no veuen mai,
And you have seen what they had never seen,
On volies arribar?
What do you want to reach ?
Tu em coneixes, no estic espantat.
You know me, and I'm not afraid
I jo, jo vull dir-te el que ara sóc
And I, I want to show you who I am
Si m'ajudes a ser un home
If you help me becoming a man
Ningú em guanya, si jo tinc ben clar el que sóc.
Nobody will challenge me if I'm at peace with myself
No em diran qui he de ser,
They won't tell me how to be,
Ells no veuen qui sóc.
They don't see how I am
El món dorm mentre jo continuo somiant per mi.
The world is still sleeping, I'm dreaming for myself
Són les seves paraules mentides que mai creuré, sí.
Their words are lies I won't ever believe in
Jo vull un moment per ser real
I want a moment to be real
El que no he sentit tocar.
I want to touch what I can't hear
Esperar-me, sentir-me comprès.
Wait for me, let me feel understood
El món vol que no sigui el mateix,
The world wants to be different
Quan són ells que no canvien.
But yet they are those who don't change
No em coneixen però sóc aquí.
They don't know me, but I'm here.
L'únic sóc: doncs sóc aquí
I'm the only one because I'm here
Sóc aquí, sóc aquí.
I'm here, I'm here…