Translation of the song Kde si ťa predstavím artist Kristína
Kde si ťa predstavím
There where I imagine you
Ospalé poludnie na viečka zosadá
Sleepy afternoon falls upon my eyelids
Z rádia ticho znie, úryvok z Mozarta
Silently, piece of Mozart (song) on the radio
Vtedy si zľahka tvár k vankúšu pritisnem
And at that point I press a pillow against my face
A ty sa zázrakom objavíš v polosne
And you suddenly appear in my daydream
Kde si ťa predstavím, tam ťa vždy mám
There where I imagine you, I always have you
Nikomu svoj sen nepožičiam
I won't lend my dream to anyone
Kde si ťa predstavím, tam si to ty
There where I imagine you, there it's you
Nikto nás anjelov nevyfotí
No one can take a picture of us - angels.
V polosne, v objatí, tajne sa stretáme
In the daydream, hugging, we secretly meet
Nahí a úprimní v najkrajšom neznáme
Naked and sincere in the most beautiful of the unknown
Ospalé poludnie na kresle schúlená
Sleepy afternoon, (I'm) coiled on the sofa,
Čakám ťa pod dekou pri sebe kolená
I'm waiting for you under the blanket, (my) knees pressed.
Kde si ťa predstavím, tam ťa vždy mám
There where I imagine you, I always have you
Nikomu svoj sen nepožičiam
I won't lend my dream to anyone
Kde si ťa predstavím, tam si to ty
There where I imagine you, there it's you
Nikto nás anjelov nevyfotí, nevyfotí, oh… oh…
No one can take a picture of us - angels., no-one will take a picture, oh....
Oh… oh… oh…
Oh... Oh.. Oh...
Tu v tvojom náručí, tajne sa stretáme
Here in your arms, secretly we meet
Nahí a úprimní v najkrajšom neznáme
Naked and sincere in the most beautiful of the unknown
Minúty miznú tam, odkiaľ sa nevrátia
Minutes are disappearing to a no-return place
Sme tu len ty, a ja s tebou
Here, it's only you and me, and me with you
Kde si ťa predstavím… oh…
There where I imagine you... Oh..
Kde si ťa predstavím, tam ťa vždy mám
There where I imagine you, I always have you
Nikomu svoj sen nepožičiam
I won't lend my dream to anyone
Kde si ťa predstavím, tam si to ty
There where I imagine you, there it's you
Nikto nás anjelov nevyfotí, nevyfotí, oh… oh…
No one can take a picture of us - angels., no-one will take a picture, oh....
Oh… oh…
Oh... Oh.. Oh...