Translation of the song Ľudskost (Modlitba za ľudskosť) artist Kristína


Ľudskost (Modlitba za ľudskosť)

English translation

Humanism (Prayer for humanity)

Nevyjedz z taniera, čo patrí iným

Don't eat from the plate, what belongs to others

Mysli na chudákov uprostred zimy

Think about the poor in midst of the winter

Dožič aj inému kus jeho šťastia

Indulge another being a piece of his luck

A ver, že dobré sny sa ti raz vrátia

And believe, that good dreams once will come back

Neklam, že nemáš dosť, máš, čo ti stačí

Don't lie(to yourself) that you don't have enough, what you need

To, čo máš navyše, musíš vždy strážiť

That, that you have more, you always have to guard

Pohlaď svet dlaňami, na to ich máme

Caress the world with your palms, that's why we have them

A prilož dobrý liek vždy k ľudskej rane

And always attach a good remedy to the human wound

Neober celý strom, neotráv studňu

Don't reap the whole tree, don't poison the well

Aj keď si vysoko, skloň sa k nej ku dnu

Even if you are up, lean into it

Hlt vody tomu daj, kto o ňu prosí

And give a mouthful of water to everyone that asks for it

A v srdci nos len to, čo pútnik bosý

And in heart only carry, what a barefoot wayfarer has

Čo spadlo z neba, do neba sa vráti

What has fallen from the heaven, will return to heaven

Kto iným nedal, akoby sám, akoby sám stratil

One who has not given, looses for himself

Pozri sa do očí deťom a chorým

Look into the kids and ills eyes

Tým, čo sa chytajú aj slamky v mori

To those who are caught at the sea

Skús plachtu rozprestrieť, keď niekto mrzne

Try spreading a sheet, when someone is freezing

A daj mu kus tepla, vždy ľahšie usneš

And give him a piece of heat, it's always easier to fall asleep

Otvor si náručie, môžeš im chrániť

Open your arms, you can protect them,

Tých, čo svet vyhnania a sú tu sami

Those, who are displaced by the world and are here all alone

Nie, nikdy nešliapme po ľudskej biede

No, never step on human misery

Všetci sme pútnici a nikto z nás nevie

We all are pilgrims, and no one knows

Čo prišlo z neba, do neba sa vráti

What has fallen from the heaven, will return to heaven

Kto iným nedal, akoby sám, akoby sám… stratil

One who has not given, looses for himself

Čo spadlo z neba, do neba sa vráti

What has fallen from the heaven, will return to heaven

Kto iným nedal, akoby sám, akoby sám… stratil

One who has not given, looses for himself

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