Translation of the song Pánbožko dnes nie je doma artist Kristína


Pánbožko dnes nie je doma

English translation

God isn't home today

Pánbožko dnes nie je doma vraj nás opustil

God isn't home today, they say that he has left us

Anjeli sa márne modlia dážď im slzy zmyl

Angels pointlessly pray, rain has their tears washed away

Pánbožko dnes nie je doma náš svet stráca sny

God isn't home today, our world looses dreams

Jedno dieťa volá za ním, pane, vráť sa z tmy

1 child calls after him: God (sir) return from the darkness!

Keď som bola malá

When I was little

Vždy mi pohladil tvár

He always stroked my face

Keď som bola malá

When I was little

On pri mne vždy stál

He has been always standing with me

A hladil mi tvár

And stroked my face

Pánbožko dnes nie je doma vraj nás opustil

God isn't home today, they say that he has left us

Anjeli sa márne modlia dážď im slzy zmyl

Angels pointlessly pray, rain has their tears washed away

Pánbožko dnes nie je doma zľahostajnel svet

God isn't home today, the world has become lukewarm

Ale ja viem, že sa vráti, jedného dňa späť

And I know that he will come one day back

Keď som bola malá

When I was little

Vždy mi pohladil tvár

He always stroked my face

Keď som bola malá

When I was little

On pri mne vždy stál

He has been always standing with me

A hladil mi tvár

And stroked my face

Pánbožko dnes nie je doma počujem však hlas

God isn't home today but I hear a voice

Ozýva sa v každom srdci k sebe volá nás

Echoing in every heart, calling us up to him

Nebojte sa, hovorí nám v krásnom detskom sne

Don't worry-he is telling us in a lovely childlike dream

Vrátim sa k vám ako vždy aj tieto Vianoce

I'll come back to you as usual for this Christmas too

Keď som bola malá

When I was little

Vždy mi pohladil tvár

He always stroked my face

Keď som bola malá

When I was little

On pri mne vždy stál

He has been always standing with me

A hladil mi tvár

And stroked my face

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