Ty niesi myslený, ty si tu naozaj
You are not mythical, you are really here
Ja žijem tvoje dni, a tie dni su, su vzdy naj
I live my days and these days are, they are always the best
Ty niesi anjel z tmy, ty si ten ozajstný
You are not angel from the darkness, you're the one real
Ty si ten ktorý má na dlani moje sny
You are the one who has my dreams in his own hands
Sa skrývá do snov
is hidden into dreams
Já chcem byť princeznou objavenou
I wanna be a found princess
Ty jsi moj vysnený, ty si dašť zastavyl
You are my dreamed-of, you stopped the rain
Keď prišli naše dni, a čem sa za lúč skryl
When our days came and a shadow was hidden behind the ray
Ty niesi anjel z tmy, ty jsi ten ozajstný
You are not angel from the darkness, you're the one real
Já chcem byť princeznou len na pár chvíl
I wanna be a princess just for a few moments
Sa skrývá do snov
is hidden into dreams
Já chcem byť princeznou objavenou
I wanna be a found princess
Sa skrývá do snov
is hidden into dreams
Já chcem byť princeznou objavenou
I wanna be a found princess
Ty niesi myslený, ty jsi tu naozaj
You are not mythical, you are really here
Já žijem tvoje dni, a ty dnie sú, sú vždy naj
I live my days and these day are, they are always the best.