Translation of the song Vianočná jahoda artist Kristína


Vianočná jahoda

English translation

Christmas strawberry

Nič nespadne z neba len tak, ani jahoda,

Nothing falls from the sky just like that, not even a strawberry,

A keď spadne, bola za tým zrejme náhoda.

And if it does fall, it was probably coincidence.

Nič nespadne z neba, len vo vločkách vianočných,

Nothing falls from the sky, just in Christmas snowflakes,

Objaví sa zrazu zázrak, zázrak polnočný.

Appears suddenly a miracle, a midnight miracle.

Tak začni, hviezdy zažni

So begin, light up the stars

Chýbali mi zatiaľ v snoch,

I was missing them in dreams,

Tak začni a ten vesmír prázdny

So begin and the empty space

Zmeň na miesto pre nás dvoch,

Change into a place for the two of us,

miesto pre nás dvoch.

place for the two of us.

Tak už je to napísané biele na bielom (biele na bielom),

So it is written white on white (white on white),

že kráčame cestou k sebe v stopách anjelov

that on the road to each other we walk in the footprints of angels

Láska ta sa nemýli a našla si aj nás

Love- she is not wrong and found us too

a možno si vybrala ten najnajlepši čas

and maybe she has chosen the best-est time.

Tak začni, hviezdy zažni

So begin, light up the stars

chýbali mi zatiaľ v snoch,

I was missing them in dreams,

Tak začni a ten prázdny vesmír

So begin and the empty space

zmeň na miesto pre nás dvoch, dvoch.

change into a place for the two of us, two of us.

Sme vtáci ktorý letia,

We are birds that fly,

A ja mám pocit ľahkých nôh,

And I have the feeling my feet are light,

tak zažni, zažni moje hviezdy

so light up, light up my stars

veď láska, láska vždy chce dvoch,

after all love, love always wants two

láska vždy chce dvoch.

love always wants two.

Teplo starých Vianoc, zohreje aj nás

The warmth of old Christmas, will warm us too

v tom bláznivom zhone sveta šancu nájsť ma máš,

in the crazy rush of the world you have a chance to find me,

šancu nájsť ma máš.

you have a chance to find me.

Ref: Tak začni, hviezdy zažni

Chorus: So begin, light up the stars

chýbali mi zatiaľ v snoch,

I was missing them in dreams,

Tak zažni, zažni moje hviezdy, veď láska,

So begin, light up my stars, because love,

láska vždy chce dvoch,

love always wants two

láska vždy chce dvoch,

love always wants two

láska vždy chce dvoch (ooou)

love always wants two

vždy chce dvoch (uuuh)

always wants two

láska vždy chce dvoch.

love always wants two

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