Translation of the song Alba artist No Te Va Gustar
Tengo los ojos cerrados, ya no me quiero ni ver
I have my eyes closed, I don't even want to see me anymore
Aunque me hablen de al lado, no entiendo
Even though they talk to me from the side, I don't understand
Tengo el cerebro quemado, no recuerdo qué hice ayer
My brain is fried, I don't remember what I did yesterday
Ya no me importa si agrado, lo siento
It doesn't matter to me anymore if I'm pleasant, I'm sorry
Ya me cansé de decirles que esto no es vida
I'm already tired of telling you that this is not life
Hace dos años que espero encontrarme con vos
It's been two years since I'm waiting to find you
Muero con todas mis fuerzas y no puedo
I die with all my might and I can't
Alguna noche en verano me sacan a respirar
Some night in summer they take me out to breathe
Busco la estrella más alta y te veo
I look for the highest star and I see you
No es un capricho, no es morbo
It's not a whim, it's not a morbid fascination
Tienen que saber
You have to know
No quiero ser un estorbo
I don't want to be a nuisance
Déjenme ir de una vez
Let me go for once
No me retengan en vano, voy a subirme a ese tren
Don't retain me in vain, I will go on that train
Quiero tomarte la mano, no miento
I want to take your hand, I'm not lying
Ya me cansé de decirles que esto no es vida
'm already tired of telling you that this is not life
Hace dos años que espero encontrarme con vos
It's been two years since I'm waiting to find you
Muero con todas mis fuerzas y no puedo.
I die with all my might and I can't